FAFSA Corrections Confusion

I just updated all my information and corrected it after previously submitting with estimations. But it only let me put a few schools and I still need to add others. Unfortunately, I cannot re-access it now that it is processed. Will this be re-activated in a few days or did I mess up? Thank you!

Hi there!

My daughter and I were afflicted with like such a problem. In our case, we called the FAFSA helpline in a crazy panic! turns out it was no big deal – we just had to wait for the Student Aid Report (SAR) to be processed first. It takes a few days but after that you can make more changes to the FAFSA. You did NOT messed up.

Oh wow thank you so much! :slight_smile:

Yes, you should get a confirmation email in a day or two letting you know that it’s been processed - and then you can submit the rest.