<p>We claim our daughter as a dependent but she also does a tax return in order to get a tax refund on her earnings.</p>
<p>But if you are not required to do a tax return (earnings over a certain amount require it even if you are claimed as a dependent) and do not have any tax paid that you would like refunded then just answer not going to file.</p>
<p>Whoa!! Some students DO file taxes and some do not. IF you plan to file a tax return, you either check "taxes completed" or "will file". If you don't plan to file taxes then you indicate that. It doesn't matter if your parents declare you as a dependent or not...you can still file your own taxes. In fact, many students do so to get back the money that was sent to the federal (and state) governments which they actually do NOT owe because they just didn't earn enough.</p>