Okay so basically, I’m trying to fill out my FAFSA and my mother has no clue whats going on, and I’ve got a couple questions.

  1. My legal parents are divorced and my mother is legally married to my stepfather, but they are separated and not living together. Am I obligated to put my stepfathers information on the forms?
  2. My father is not going on the FAFSA, but when it asks about federal benefits, SSI is one of them, and I receive a SSI check because my father was injured, so would I say I receive SSI if my father isn't on the FAFSA?

Sorry this post is a legit mess, but any help is appreciated! THANKS AHEAD OF TIME.

If you live with only your mother (no stepfather), use her income in the parent section. If she receives alimony or child support, put that on the appropriate lines.

the SSI is your income, not your father’s. Report it if the amount is large enough to require it. You have to check the amounts with your other income or assets.