FAFSA Question - there has to be a mistake, right?

The people I spoke to at FAFSA had no idea either. They sent me a paper SAR. I have it in front of me and it says that you can make changes right on the form and then mail it to Kentucky. (But dont take my advice - I truly have no idea if it will work and am not an expert.) If I end up doing this, I will still call all 10 schools to be sure it worked.

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The original form was electronic, the correction was on the paper form, in the paper form we did manual signature of student and parent and the form had an address, I sent it to that address, it was a PO box, I dont have the address with me. I think best option is ask them to send the paper form for correction and if the person does not know how to do it then go high up and talk to the manager.

I have to call again tomorrow for my question to know if colleges received the new info, so I will ask them if they can see my file and ask how should new parents request for paper form, may be the person who mailed the form has put some notes on my file and that may help to guide other parents.

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@cgemaj can you show here this link and show her highlighted section and ask her to send the paper form

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Hi @cgemaj - Good morning, I just called the FAFSA now, I used the Parent help line number from their web site and asked them if parents need correction via paper form is it true that they can mail the paper version and he confirmed yes.

Secondly after the corrections are done by next business day the information is given to college. Now even if college received the correction, they may ask the proof, today morning Georgia tech has asked us to select “Parent will provide tax information via upload instead of DRT”, so even if you change they may still ask for tax. I am fine with that, atleast I do not have to call each college which is more painful.

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Thank you. Any idea of who you spoke to?

I went on parent help line, it was a male, I did not ask the name but you can tell them that you have a parent who has done it, I can share my son’s name on private message and they probably can see his profile. I am assuming parent help line have more knowledgeable people.

Schools will almost certainly ask for a tax transcript if you make any changes on paper to items that were imported from the IRS using the DRT. Because the issue is the rollover, they’ll also need proof of the rollover amount. When those changes could be made to the FAFSA online, financial aid offices got a copy of the changes from the federal processor with a code that indicated that changes were made to DRT items. We were then required to collect a tax transcript so we could verify that all items the applicant updated were, in fact, correct (often, they were not & we had to change them back). In the case of a rollover, proof of the rollover & amount was needed. I assume that if the processor is now allowing the change form to be used, the processor will inform the schools of the changes & require the schools to collect documentation and make sure all updates are correct per the tax return.

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Thanks for posting the pictures @phemrajani - I spoke with a financial aid expert and they said this is the right thing to do. I mailed my corrected FAFSA this morning - let’s see what happens! Will post here with updates.


completely different experience just now… called and they are sending me the SAR. Didn’t try and challenge me or anything. Told me they are sending the SRA for both my kids and I make the corrections (in black in) and send it back and they will fix.


It sure would be nice if everyone got this response!!

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And today she got a verification letter for one of the schools she got into. Not sure if we should fill it out or wait for the FAFSA to correct.

What are they asking for? It’s very possible that the documents they are requesting will also show your rollover issue!

Call the school and ask.

It says we were selected for verification. No idea what they will want to see. I’ll look at it tomorrow

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ok received the SAR’s in the mail. Now to fill out

I just want to make sure I am doing this right To correct the rollover issue I need to go under #89 line e and change that to all 0’s? anything else I need to do?

This is exactly what I did. Mailed it back about a week and a half ago and still waiting for a response. Good luck!

yes change that line to all 000000. Also while you have the paper version, verify the math of other lines too. I found an error on other line as hubby had added incorrect box number and amount was not correct, so I corrected other lines also.

Please read the signing instructions too , the child and parent both have to sign.

It will take 2 weeks to show the correction.

Please take a copy of all the pages for your record.


It worked!!! I resubmitted the SAR with 89E changed to zero about two weeks ago. I just checked the FAFSA website and our EFC got lowered significantly!! I am so relieved! I’m not sure that schools will see the updated EFC since she’s already applied, so I’m still going to have to call 10 different financial aid offices (ugh), but worth it!!!


I had asked that question if schools will get the updates, they said yes they do get the updates in next business day.

Even with lower EFC we will not qualify for any money but I still wanted to have the correct record so that if there are any financial changes in future, our new number will not look drastically different and it will be easy to explain the gap.

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Once a student has been selected for verification, they will not be un-selected. You’ll need to complete verification regardless.

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