FAFSA questions!

Sorry so clueless but D is a junior so starting this whole college mess! I am confused on the FAFSA , I know it’s a federal aid form but does every college use that info for their own merit or talent aid? Or is it a totally separate thing between you and the government? Lol My D has a list of private as well as a few public schools but very few in state. Are Public schools known for not providing much aid to OOS students? Also when people say they got their “financial aid package” does that mean just what the schools offering from them? Does the FAFSA aid info come separate ?

Public schools are generally known for not providing aid to nonresidents.

Are Public schools known for not providing much aid to OOS students? A



They don’t provide much/any need-based aid to OOS students. They charge high OOS rates because those students don’t have parents paying taxes there. It wouldn’t make much sense to then cover the high tuition with need based aid.

However, some OOS publics will give merit scholarships for high stats or talent awards.

FAFSA is a federal form.

FAFSA is only sometimes used for merit. Most of the time, FAFSA is not used for merit or talent.

Financial pkg would ALSO include whatever fed aid from filling out FAFSA. Not a separate pkg.

“Free money” from the feds is for LOW income people. Are you low income?

Many schools that give some of their own need-based aid will use CSS Profile, and will ask for the info of any non-custodial parents as well.

Have you run any of the Net Price Calculators on the schools’ websites?

No, we are not considered low income ,but I was told we need to fill out the FAFSA anyway for federal loan eligibility if necessary. But it appears the individual schools do not need the FAFSA info to determine the merit or talent aid then…since it is only for financial declaring purposes. I have used one or 2 of those net price calculators but for some reason they did not seem accurate…I will try again. Some weren’t even asking about SAT scores and so forth plus we don’t even have those as my D is a junior and wont take it till spring. So, my question then is if someone I know is saying their child got a “great” financial aid package from their school and they are not low income, then they are referring to merit/talent aid given by the indiv school then? Also do you feel then that the private schools will be better at the merit aid then even maybe our in state choice?

Yes, fill out FAFSA for fed loans

. I have used one or 2 of those net price calculators but for some reason they did not seem accurate..


What seemed “inaccurate” about them? Did you accidentally put parent info where the student info goes? Look over what you put in, it’s easy to make a mistake.

then is if someone I know is saying their child got a "great" financial aid package from their school and they are not low income, then they are referring to merit/talent aid given by the indiv school then


Could be a large merit award. Or they could have middle-class income but attending a school that gives great need based aid.

And some people just look at the total award, even if much of it is loans and work study, and think its a great award.

Also do you feel then that the private schools will be better at the merit aid then even maybe our in state choice?


Not necessarily.

People are notoriously unreliable about their kids aid. Folks like to say that little Charlie got a tennis scholarship to Princeton (which does not give athletic aid) or a “terrific” package from BU which in fact, is mostly loans and a 5K grant, or an “incredible” merit award from Harvard (which does not give merit awards).

Disregard what other people tell you. Let your fingers do the walking, and plug in your numbers to a variety of different colleges and see what happens. If you think the numbers are inaccurate because you can’t afford what they think you can- well there’s a learning curve for you.

You need to read each college website to find out which forms are required.

One of my kids was a music performance major who got a performance scholarship based on his audition. His school REQUIRED both the FAFSA and the Profile to be filed even for this completely merit based award…as well as all merit awards.

My other kid was an undeclared major. Her college also required both the FAFSA and Profile be filed even for merit aid, although I believe it is no longer required (my kid matriculated there in 2006).

And yes, if you want your kiddo to get a Direct Loan, you MUST file the FAFSA.

Read the FAQ for this forum.


Some NPC are better than others. If the school gives automatic merit aid for certain test scores and gpa, usually that information will be requested and the NPC will include the merit awards. If the merit awards are not automatic, they likely will not be included in the NPC even if you can look at the school web pages and estimate that your child will most probably get that award. Often the NPC will not include state grants or other opportunities for money that most students get in that state. It’s really up to the school.

Some schools do want you to complete the FAFSA even if you do not want federal loans or won’t qualify for need based aid. It used to be required in Florida for Bright Futures but no longer is. The schools still want you to do it because they are used to using the FAFSA to keep track of everything for the tax forms. I’m sure you can still get the same scholarships without filing, but the school is looking for it so you might have to tell the school you aren’t going to file it.

Some weren’t even asking about SAT scores and so forth plus we don’t even have those as my D is a junior and wont take it till spring.



first of all, I wouldn’t have her wait until Spring to take her first SAT and ACT test.

Secondly, some NPCs do ask, and some don’t ask about scores. Some NPCs are crazy and will mention a merit scholarship in the results EVEN though no scores were asked. And even when scores are asked, some NPCs will indicate possible merit, even when the merit isn’t assured for stats.

Some NPCs seem to be overly optimistic…likely to increase the number of applications.

She can’t really take the SAT now as she hasn’t completed Alg II and its recommended to wait till that’s done. She takes PSAT soon as practice and did last yr as well.

The junior year PSAT shouldn’t be viewed as practice since many scholarships are based on it. If she does very well on in and becomes a NMF, she can get large awards at a number of schools.

I just meant that for right now this fall etc she is really only able to take the PSAT. Yes I know about the national merit program. I didn’t mean she wouldn’t do her best on it by saying it was “practice” just that it’s a good prelude to the SAT