FAFSA Selective Service confusion.

<p>So I filed my FAFSA a month ago, but something that has been bothering me is the whole part about having to sign up for selective service. The qualifications are being a male 18+, except I'm graduating high school at 17. I checked the box to sign me up anyways because I need the aid, but I check my EFC and a "C" comes up next to it indicating that I need to make a correction, stating that they were not capable of signing me up for SS. So I ask two questions,</p>

<p>A.) Do I still get the aid simply because I stated my interest in being signed up, even though I can't?</p>

<p>B.) If I follow the system's advice and uncheck the SS box, then would I still get aid seeing as how I can't be signed up?</p>

<p>Answers would be greatly appreciated, if I don't get aid at schools then I'm royally screwed.</p>

<p>The problem is that you are too young to sign up with selective service. If you are within 6 months of your 18th birthday SS will hold your information. Make the correction by unchecking the box. You should not be denied any aid. Next year you will need to be registered with SS to get aid.</p>

<p>And if I’m a full year away from my 18th? I turn 17 this weekend…</p>

<p>If you are not yet 18, when you submit your FAFSA, your data will not be transmitted to Selective Service and you will not be registered.</p>

<p>SS will register you a month before your 18th birthday. If I were you I would register on Feb 1, 2010 at <a href=“http://www.sss.gov%5B/url%5D”>www.sss.gov</a>. That way you would be registered and would not have to check the box on the FAFSA app.</p>

<p>OK, it’s been changed. Thanks for your help.</p>