FAFSA verification

<p>Im having problems with my verification for fafsa. I have 0 in every boxes except for the savings/checking account!. I thought they need you to put how much money u made that year on that verification paper. There's no place to put the money my parents made and that really makes no sense to me. My parents also received unemployment for some part of last year and I was wondering if that goes under welfare benefits! HELP stress!
Im also wondering when is the deadline for fafsa corrections before it starts to affect the money you will receive? I just corrected my fafsa for the 2nd time today and realized that the stuff I corrected the first time came back to the wrong way again when i submitted it >.<, so i need to correct the third time. Is that bad?</p>

<p>You should call the FA office of the college you are going to attend and ask for assistance. If possible, make an appointment and go sit down with a FA counselor. I believe that the unemployment counts under welfare benefits. You may well have 0 in lots of boxes, I just helped a friend with hers and she had lots of 0s. You generally include a copy of the last year's tax return so that is where the money they made last year would be.</p>

<p>If you read each question on the FAFSA, it will tell you where to pull the answer from. Unemployment does NOT go on the FAFSA as an individual entry. Unemployment is taxable and should be shown on the tax return...so it is already included in the AGI. DO NOT put their unemployment under Welfare Benefits!</p>

<p>Making corrections isn't necessarily a bad thing, however, it does make you more likely to be pulled for a formal verification process, which...by the sounds of your original post, might not be such a bad thing. You can also contact the FAFSA Technical Support Line to assit ou with making any remaining corrections. Their toll-free number is 1-800-433-3243.</p>