Has anyone filed their FAFSA and received a response from the University yet? If not, does anyone from past years know when they start notifying students of financial aid packages?

Schools don’t send out FA pkgs until the spring, unless a student is ED…which bama doesn’t have.

I see that you’re oos, do you qualify for a merit scholarship? Which one? How much will your parents contribute towards college?

If you need a lot of need based aid, that will be an issue. Did you run the net price calculator on ua’s website?

@mom2collegekids I have a presidential scholarship and will not be receiving any need-based aid, so it was mostly for a federal loan. I’m not counting on getting anything from my parents, so that is kind of why I would appreciate a federal loan to help pay for room and board.

Fed loans for freshmen are $5500 each. How will you pay for the rest of college?

Sorry it has taken me so long to respond, but I will be receiving some a few thousand from my grandparents, and then plan to pay the rest with a combination of loans and money I’ve earned from working.