Failed pre-cal my first semester but i was so close to a C-, i missed it by 2% can i still make it?

<p>HELP !
i have always done fairly well in school. i have taken honors and AP, and i ended my overall GPA with a 3.8. My grades this first semester of senior year my grades were a little bit better than what i ended my last semester of junior year with. Except now I have a 68.13 in pre-cal, which is sad because I went into the final with a 75.12, i really don’t know how i managed to bomb the final that bad. I also have ranked top 20-30 in my class for all 3 years, and I am indeed a first honors student.i made sure i was involved with the school such as varisty sports, being a club basketball team captain, service hours 100+, being a president of a club at school, and being executive vice president of clubs in ASB. Pre-cal just wasn’t my thing i guess, and i’m not blaming this on senioritis because in my defense, WE HAD SO MUCH HOMEWORK ON A REGULAR, and i was taking honors so we were moving pretty quickly. aside from the amount of homework, our tests were always way harder than our homework. I have a block schedule, and all my hard classes are on one day altogether, meaning along with the mounds of Pre-cal homework i had, there were other challenging homework and tests i was studying for. my main concern right now is if I can still get into a UC school? I applied to UCLA, UCSD, UCI, AND UCD (i know, i can kiss UCLA good bye)… but i really need some light at the end of this tunnel… i applied to SDSU, but that’s the only cal-state school i applied to. I also applied to the Naval Academy, and UCONN, but i highly doubt they’ll take me anymore due to this issue. pLEASE SOMEBODY HELP ME. my teacher just posted the grades, and I AM FRANTIC. </p>

<p>Never mind, he added in a few assignments he didn’t get to plug in. i passed the class. </p>