<p>somebody please help, so this june i failed the algebra 2 trig regents the worst part is i got an 86 average in the class and just failed the regents due to personal issues. my grades aren't bad i have a 90 average i'm in the language honor society, i do community service, i've gotten school awards, i'm involved in music classes, i take challenging courses, i took an ap my sophomore year of high school, i took two aps my junior year and my senior year which is next year i'm taking 3 or possiblly 4 aps. i got a 1500 on my sat but i'm planning on taking it once again in october and on practice tests i've been getting 1800-1900...so i'm here to ask is it possible i can get into suny buffalo? i really want to go...before i wasnted to go to the university of maryland but i'm not so sure i can get in due to that ONE REGENTS! how much will that one regent affect me? it's not fair because i've worked so hard throughout highschool and have challenged myself...so somebody help please and thank you!!!</p>
<p>Regents don’t hold that… much weight. It’s not a make or break thing. Regents are silly anyway…</p>
<p>The failed Regents exam isn’t going to keep you out of U of maryland but your SAT scores are. Are you talking UB or Buff. St.? You’re probably going to have to get your scores up a little for UB , but should be fine right now for Buff. St.</p>
<p>thanks so much! and yes i’m planning on taking it again i know 1500 is very low…my aim is 1900 thanks so much! you give me some hope</p>
<p>don’t worry about regents. they’re stupid and annoying, so they won’t really keep you out of a good college. and you can retake it if you want.</p>
<p>yea b/c i was thinking they don’t have it in other states so why should it have such a big affect on me…i really want to go to university of maryland :(</p>