Failing 4 classes

<p>alright so i started off pretty good in my first year of computer programing but after a while i started to lose interest and i started skipping a lot of im failing 4/5 of my classes and i dont think i can bring all of them back up...</p>

<p>i was wondering if anyone knew what happens if you fail most of your classes...i heard that you just do them over again...but if thats the case will i be doing them next semester or next year...because i think the teachers currently teaching my first semester stuff are going to be teaching their second semester stuff after so ill have to wait until next year...if thats the case the class i am passing i will have to do the next part of that next semester so i will have to continue living in residence just for that class only...wasting like another $4, 000 in residence fees..</p>

<p>if anyone could clarify that would be great...might seem confusing but try your best plzzz</p>

<p>Who the f^&k cuts classes in college?</p>

<p>What's the point of cutting? </p>

<p>If your GPA drops below a certain point for a semester, some colleges kick you out, so you might be screwed.</p>

<p>I actually have to ask who goes to class and why, I finished my undergrad and barely went to any classes, only th first class and exam days, thats it.</p>

<p>Each school has different rules about minimum GPAs and course loads. You might be put on academic probation, you might be asked to take a leave of absence, you might be kicked out. There are several possibilities and no one here can tell you what applies to your specific case.</p>

<p>YOU NEED TO TALK TO YOUR ADVISOR RIGHT AWAY about what you can do to turn this around. You also need to buckle down and put extra effort into salvaging whatever you still can this semester.</p>

<p>I’m guessing you’re a freshman. It can be very tough adjusting to life away from home and college courses aren’t as easy as High School ones. </p>

<p>What’s done has been done. You should try your best to study for those classes even if you already know your chances. You might even pass all of them if the instructor curve the grades. Next semester, don’t take too many classes. Start out with 3 per semester and learn to be a good student such as prioritizing your tme, getting in the habbit of studying, and going to class. Then take more classes next semester. Pick a major that you like! You’re not going to class = you don’t have any interest in this major. If you plan to apply to graduate school then GPA matters. If you end up failing these classes, since it’s only your first semester, your GPA will not be affected if you take more classes and making A’s.</p>