I am currently at a community college for a 1-year break from my 4-year uni. I will be transferring back to my uni next semester, but I took a psychology class and failed it this semester. I am currently a biology major right now and am just taking the psych class for credit. If I retake the psych class in the summer, would I still have a chance for medical school? I am currently a Sophomore, but I have only taken 1 semester of classes at my uni, because I elected to take a break since my first semester was a 2.24 GPA. What are my chances?
For medical school admission there is no forgiveness. The first semester grades will factor in as will the F in psychology. If you retake it both grades will be computed in your GPA. A better question is why did you fail this course and do so poorly you first semester at the university? Unless you can correct this chances at medical school are virtually nonexistant.
I did so poorly during my first semester at the university because I was not ready for college at the time. I had a lot of trouble adjusting to being away from home and on my own, and I got too focused in my freedom away from home.
Sorry but your 2.24 and your F at the CC will follow you and make it nearly impossible to get into a US medschool.
Retake it and hope for the best. You really do need a tip-top GPA for med school, though.
That is not helpful to the OP. A retake does not erase the F in the class. All classes must be reported on the med school application.
It’s too soon to say there is absolutely no hope for med school, but you are off to a pretty rocky start.
Your freshman grades and your failed CC will be used when calculating your GPA for med school admission. Med schools do not allow grade forgiveness. Both the original class and any retake(s) will be included in your GPA by AMCAS and AACOMAS.
As @TomSrOfBoston said, you need to figure out why you’re doing poorly academically and fix it. Your current GPA has put you in a hole and it’s going to take a lot of work to get out. You simply cannot afford any more C/D/F grades if you want med school.
If immaturity and/or homesickness was reason for your poor grades during your first semester at a 4 year college, what’s your reason for the failed CC classes once you were (presumably} back home?
P.S. psych is now a required pre-req for some med schools. Psych is also tested on the MCAT. Plan on re-taking psych, preferably at a 4 year college.
The reason for the failed CC class was because I missed the final exam, which was worth 20% of my grade. I realize that this is not an excuse, and that this is my fault. I got an A in Psych 1, and I realize that Psych is a required pre-req for some med schools now. So I should plan on re-taking Psychology at my 4-year university instead of at the CC during the summer? @WayOutWestMom
@CottonTales I did not intend to suggest that retaking the class would replace the F. However, if OP is serious about med school, there’s no choice: he must retake it. Yes, it will be an uphill battle, but there are still the MCATS and a few more years of grades to be determined.
After all, the lowest ranked graduate of the lowest ranked medical school is still addressed as “doctor”.
When re-taking psych, you should take it at your 4 year college.
Rightly or wrongly, CC classes have a reputation of being less rigorous than coursework offered by 4 year colleges and universities.
You need to show that you can compete on the (presumed) more rigorous level of a 4 year college after failing a CC class.