Failing grade grounds for revoked admissions?

<p>hey everyone, i was wondering if anyone could help give me some insight into my situation. i currently have a “C” in my calculus BC class and i’m really scared of it dropping to a “D”. this my fourth year math and second year of calculus (i took ab last year). Besides that one grade, I have 3 A’s and 1 “B+”, two of which are in ap classes. do you think that my admissions to uc davis will be revoked because of that one “D”? i emailed them reported my possible D and asked them what would happen, since it’s not a required class and they said to me, “senior grades can affect your admissions status. try to keep your grades up.” that doesn’t tell me much. is there anyone out there who have experienced this situation who could let me know what happens? or any information from anyone would be great! i have spent many sleepless nights completely scared out of my mind.</p>

<p>I think if you get a D they have every right to revoke your admission, but in my opinion, if your other grades are good and coming in you had a strong academic profile, they'll probably let you slide. But then again, this is just my opinion. I knew a guy who was a Regents' Scholar at UCI with a 1500+ SAT and a GPA well over 4.0 that got a D his last semester and they still let him in.</p>

<p>I'm in a similair situation. I have A's in all my classes except Physics and AP English Lit. I have 2 D's in those classes. I'm trying my best to make them up, but in case I get ONE D, would Davis revoke my admissions. I know this all speculation but I had 1150 on my SAT I, 3.6 as my cumulative GPA and 3.8 as my last semester's GPA. And, as the author said, I have spent many nights worried about my position.</p>

<p>Don't take our word for up Davis.</p>

<p>Also, when you call be sure to get the name of the person you are speaking to and be sure that they are of some authority to answer your question. You may need to reference them at another time.</p>

<p>I would think the deciding factors would be your choice of major, the relevance of this class and the size of the class that actually is planning to show up in the department at the school.</p>

<p>It is now 2011. When this post was posted, I was in middle school… perhaps in the sixth grade. Now I am a high school senior going through the same problem- senioritis haunts us all. Anyone who had been admitted to a UC and had a D or lower in a class, please keep me posted on what happened. I am spending sleepless nights also…This no D or F policy is stealing so much sleep!</p>