<p>So my brother in middle school provided shocking news: there are 6th graders drinking tequilla (the water bottle) and selling pot at school. How does he know? Those 6th graders were caught.</p>
<p>I mean they're only in 6th grade! I might understand some in high school (though still bad), but frickin' 6th graders! What is the world coming to?</p>
<p>Is anyone else worried about the moral of society? An why do you think the society's morality is declining so much?</p>
<p>Um… I think it’s becoming more acceptable… not that selling pot as 6th graders is acceptable… but more wide spread. If I’m making any sense :P</p>
<p>I remember I heard Kindergardeners cussing. Like actual cussing. Not “shut up” “ooh you said the s word”…!</p>
<p>I find it quite sad :/</p>
<p>^ I know the media is one of the causes, but anything else other than media…</p>
<p>Now those are some sixth graders I could chill with.</p>
<p>perhaps family life? maybe their parents do it and let them do it as well</p>
<p>^ maybe b/c the place I live is very racially/economically split…but still when most people were in 6th grade, people didn’t really know/care about getting drunk at school and selling pot (at least I hope not)…</p>
<p>yeah, similar thing happened at my school. My school is 7-12, so there are a bunch of annoying junior high kids running around. And whenever I drive off campus during lunch, I see a bunch of junior high kids smoking on a couple benches off campus. The other day, I saw this LITTLE kid (literally about 4 and a half feet) with handcuffs being taken off campus by a cop.</p>
<p>But I don’t think drinking or smoking is necessarily immoral. But the way most of these kids go about it is certainly stupid. If they want to go buy drugs, they should do it on their own paychecks, not on the money their mommies gave them on the ride to school. The majority of kids (at least at my school) do it just because they want to be cool, which is kind of stupid. Again, I’m not really sure about morals, but it really is kinda stupid. </p>
<p>But that’s not to say that I LIKE the way society is. Maybe I’m just a bitter, cynical guy, but it annoys the hell out of me when rich drama queens at my school cry over having to miss prom or make a big deal out of a little scrape on their cars. Or when people sign up for 6 APs and cheat their way through all of them. I think maybe just the place I live in is annoying because the people I hang out with outside my area are usually pretty chill. I live in a really affluent area lol</p>