Failing to get IB diploma in the US?

I was recently admitted into Stanford university. I am an IB diploma candidate and I am genuinely concerned as to whether I will get my IB diploma. In the event that I do not, will I be rescinded?
P.S. My school is not IB-only. I can still graduate with a good GPA and a highschool diploma even if I fail the IB

Thank you

Why do you think you will fail the IB? Due to some failure in EE? Or CAS requirement?

@CValle Extended Essay. But point is, what happens if i do?

The points for EE and TOK are a max of 3 out of 45. Don’t worry about things that might not happen. As long as you do an EE, you’re fine.

@skieurope Yeah but if you fail the extended essay and TOK essay (which is very possible for me) I may fail to get the IB diploma. Do you you know what the consequences of that would be?

You won’t fail. Go back to my earlier statement.

I think you need to figure out why you might fail two projects as big as EE and TOK.

Those are major parts of the IBD. So, yes, I can imagine that if a college learns you failed those two projects they would have concerns - the same as if a kid failed a class in his senior year.

Now, may colleges might not blink at a C or even worse in ONE class in HS in your senior year. But Stanford is not most colleges - they can take the best of the best.

But WHY take changes - first step should be doing EVERYTHING in your power to NOT fail the EE and TOK. You need to meet your IB coordinator ASAP. That person might also have insight into what happens when kids dont finish and get the Diploma part of IBD. Then talk to your guidance counselor and get some advice ASAP.

Here is something that was posted on another site -

OK. I got into Stanford a few month back, and my GPA was 4.0. However, since then, it has dropped to 3.7 because I’m “senior sliding.” I’m graduating with a 3.654.
On Thurdsay, I got THIS in the mail from Stanford:

Dear Treena,
After a careful and thorough review of your end-of-year report, the admission committee here at Stanford University observed that you failed to successfully complete your senior courses. This is by no means acceptable here at Stanford. A key factor in the freshman admission process is the level of difficulty in the senior year; which you satisfied; however did not successfully pursue.
Until further notice, your admission to Stanford University has been cancelled. If you would like to rovide an explanation for your downfall, or ask any questions that you may have, please contact the admissions office before June 5th. If you fail to contact the office of admissions, your admission will we canceled on a final level.

-Dean of Admissions

@CValle @skieurope Okay, thank you guys.

It’s really hard to fail. “If a student gains an “E” in either component 28 points overall will be required to pass the IB Diploma (not 24 points as is usual). A grade “A” in one of the components earns an extra point even if the other is a grade “E”. An “E” grade in both the Extended Essay and Theory of Knowledge means an automatic failure of the IB Diploma.”

The IB results don’t come out until July. Do you really think they will rescind at that point? If they haven’t explicitly made your admission contingent on getting the diploma, I don’t think they would have any grounds to rescind your admission. You will already be enrolled at that point.

And EEs are not graded until the summer. I know. My husband used to be a grader.