Failing to meet gpa requirement for scholarships?

<p>I received the ua scholarship(2/3) and then the additional third from the engineering department. The scholarship requires that you keep at least a 3.0 each semester. I realized that I absolutely despise my major, have done incredibly bad in one of the classes and it looks as though I am going to fail it. I may or may not keep my 3.0, based on a number of factors and I won’t know until finals are over. I Couldn’t find it any where on the site, but If I fail to meet this requirement, will I lose the scholarship for good, or will it be put on hold for a semester until I can gain the gpa back again?</p>

<p>you will not lose it immediately.</p>

<p>i don’t know the specifics, but someone else will pop in who does.</p>

<p>They don’t look at your gpa until the end of spring semester, so you have another semester to pull your gpa above 3.0. I believe if it isn’t above a 3.0 by that point, you are put on probation. But I would call the scholarship office to confirm or stop by.</p>

<p>This is from another thread…</p>

<p>*First, as indicated, they will not even look at her grades for any of this until the end of Spring semester - her scholarship is good for the year and (if you read the following) is also good for Fall semester next year… so breathe for a second.</p>

<p>If she does not have a 3.0 cumulative by the end of the year, she will be put on academic scholarship probation for the next semester. She then needs to either:

  1. bring her cumulative GPA up to 3.0 at which time the probation will be lifted - OR -
  2. bring her semester grade to 3.0, which will enable her to continue with her academic probation for another semester.</p>

<p>Her scholarship will be paid during the probationary period, but the following semester’s scholarship will be held until grades are in to determine if she does not bring either semester or cumulative grades up to a 3.0</p>

<p>Of course I’d check to be sure on this, things can always change, but am 99.9% sure this is how it works.*</p>

<p>I hope that’s the way it works. My son’s a senior and I have been worried what would happen if he didn’t have a 3.0 after his first semester. Free tuition is great but it’s kind of scary to think what could happen…</p>

<p>If anyone has a GPA concern then it’s important to manage/balance each semester’s schedule. </p>

<p>When frosh have problems with GPA, it’s usually because of a few reasons:</p>

<p>1) signed up for 8 am classes when the student is not a natural early riser…so he ends up sleeping thru some classes. Yes, I know that these kids went to 8am classes their entire lives, but college is different.</p>

<p>2) took too many credits as a frosh.</p>

<p>3) took too many hard classes in a semester. Students need to balance hard classes with less-demanding classes each semester. This may mean taking a demanding class (frosh comp, calculus, physics, bio, chem) at a CC over the summer to get that out of the way.</p>

<p>Can a student take the course at the CC if he received a NC on the class at UA? Or does he have to retake it at UA? This is a math class.</p>

<p>I think you can take it at a CC. Did you take the class at Bama Credit/No credit?</p>

<p>Yes, I took the math at UA. I think I am getting a NC. I am hoping I can take it at a CC and transfer the credit. So…you do think that is possible???</p>

<p>If you don’t have at least a C in certain math classes you get an NC, no credit so you would have to retake the class. I would assume you could then take it anywhere.</p>

<p>Thank you…that sounds good.</p>

<p>Each college has a policy on repeating classes (according to UA’s course catalog). You should check with your advisor or someone in your college/major about repeating courses, or go online to the UA website to confirm what specifically applies to your situation. There are implications on your transcript as well as financial aid (if applicable) that you should be aware of.</p>