Fairfield Magis Honors Program

Hi! I was recently accepted to Fairfield’s Magis Honors Program as a prospective biochemistry major.

For anyone who is currently in this program or is familiar with it, I was wondering what your experience is, and just how rigorous honors courses are? Would also love an opinion on whether to live in the honors LLC (Jogues hall) or to go with general freshman housing my first year instead?

Thanks for any input!

My son is a sophomore at Fairfield but not in the honors program. One of his friends is and he said he does not find it too rigorous. I would just confirm what the required gpa is and make sure you are comfortable with it. We knew a student who missed the gpa after the first semester and had to leave the program. She didn’t have to move or anything but she did have to change her schedule. I will say that Jogues was recently renovated and is nice and has air conditioning. Not sure if the remaining dorms will have AC added with what’s going on right now. The dorm has many bonding activities so it helped find friends with common interests.

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Congratulations and welcome to Fairfield - it is truly a one of a kind school! I am actually a member of the Honors Program and lived in the Honors LLC - it was the best decision I ever made. As a member of the Honors Program, you are expected to maintain at least a 3.75 GPA; however, the Honors Advisors will meet you halfway if you are close enough to the benchmark. I personally really enjoy the Honors classes because they challenge you to think in a way that you typically would not expect. That said, the courses are rigorous - all courses at Fairfield are rigorous in some way, as the education you are being afforded is demanding. But, if you work hard and continue to commit yourself to your studies, your professors will notice and value this in you. Best of luck. Also, regarding the first year residence halls on campus, Jogues and Campion Hall have air conditioning; however, Gonzaga is set to be added to the list this Summer. (With this pandemic, I do not know for sure if this is still the case, though, but the residence halls are each very well maintained.) Fairfield is an excellent university and is starting to gain the recognition it has always deserved. We are now ranked in the top 50 private universities in the country, as well as are ranked in the top 5 Jesuit universities. You made a great choice! If you have any more questions, please do let me know.

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Do you know if there is a gpa requirement to apply for the honors program?