Fairfield University Honors Program

Hello - does anyone know if you need to apply to the Fairfield Honors program or are you already asked when accepted at the school? D27 is a Nursing major, newly accepted and has a 3.9UW GPA at her current high school and would like to be part of the program if she chooses Fairfield - the other schools she has been accepted at have already given her places in their Honors program - all but Fairfield at this point!

If nobody here knows the answer your D can pose this question to her admissions officer at Fairfield.

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I can confirm that you are invited to be in the Honors Program when you are admitted. My son was accepted early entry and he also wasn’t sure about this. He has stats above Fairfield’s average (1480 SAT, 10 APs, etc.), has been admitted to other Honors Programs, and was interested in the Honors Program. He sent an email asking if there was a process by which his application could be reviewed for the program. Unfortunately the Assistant Admission person who answered did not address the question well, and replied that it was only offered to their “top students . . . who could succeed academically and socially.” It was a bit insulting and gave him a bit of a sour taste toward Fairfield, which is too bad because otherwise it seems like a nice school.

ETA: I’m not sure if the program is a very small percent of the class?

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Thank you - she actually wrote an email to the two professors who are listed as running the program but will check out admissions rep as well

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She was accepted EA as well but no honors even though every other college program offered her honors as well! I agree with you the answer from the Asst admin is very off putting and gave me pause when I read it. I will call on Monday and post answer - thank you for that info. Did you son decide on a school yet?

Yes, please do let me know the reply. My son also had emailed the two professors, but apparently they forwarded it to Admissions, as that is who he heard back from (rather than them). Hopefully whoever responds to your daughter is a bit better at wording.

My son is still waiting on several RD schools, so he won’t make his final decision for a few more weeks until he hears from all of them. Good luck to your daughter!

One of the professors (Keenan) got back to me tonight and said that I would have to pose the question to admissions. So my daughter sent a similar email to her admissions officer. I will let you know what she hears and hopefully they word it a bit nicer! Good luck to your family as well.

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FYI this is what we got back from the admissions rep:
Thank you for reaching out! Admitted students are invited to our Honors program when they receive their acceptance. An invitation is usually extended to some of our top scholars because of the limited number of seats. Students who didn’t get offered an invitation this round, if they do enroll at Fairfield, can be invited to apply to the program at the end of their first year if they continue to meet the qualifications for the Honors program.

I wish they would look at other students who express interest. All the other schools we were accepted at included honors in the invite, Fairfield was the only one that did not and it makes a difference in her choice at this point so it is a mark against them.

That response seems worded better than the one my son received. Perhaps simply a more experienced Admissions officer.

I agree that I wish there was a part of the process where students could express interest. It seems like knowing who wants to participate would be a useful piece of information in the selection process.

We’re still waiting for several decisions later this month but not being admitted not the honors program, does feel like a mark against Fairfield for my son also.

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