Fall 07 COD Reopens August 3rd at 7am

<p>You submit your name with the schedule number so your name would be on the list. The professor would then select students in a fashion like first in, first selected or select majors first, then fourth years, third years, etc.</p>

<p>Yeah, and usually if you're offered a spot from the waitlist, there'll be an automatic email from the professor generated to you. A deadline as to when you should accept the waitlist offer will also be stated. So with that in mind, keep checking your email often!</p>

<p>ISIS opens August 1st for students in Session L. Does anybody know what time it opens on that day?</p>

<p>I don't believe that ISIS opens for Orientation students. You guys have to whatever registrar office during Orientation to sign up for classes. ISIS usually opens at 7 or 8 AM.</p>

<p>Actually it opens for us on Aug 1 since our orientation session is late (Aug 22-24).</p>

<p>I have a question. If you want to course action, it's necessary to email the professor right? If I have to email the prof, should I do it right now or wait till before classes start? Also, what do I say to the professor in the email?</p>

<p>Course action involves getting the Professor to sign a form to let you get into the class. You can email him or her now, but wait until you know for sure the class is full. For all you know, you can get that course this weekend. You can even course action into the class on its first day if the professor allows it. If you really want to email the professor, then just explain that you want/need this class and ask for a course action. The professor would either accept and ask you to bring the form sometime or decline for whatever reason he or she has like room space or the professor does not allow course actions.</p>

<p>Joanee, to ensure the highest chance of enrolling into a full class, email the professor indicating your interest, and get on the wait-list if there is any. On the first day of class, bring a signed course action form and talk to the professor about your situation. Good luck!</p>

<p>Thanks guys. I think I might wait until next week, since people are going to be adding/dropping classes by Aug 3 so there's a chance it might open up. <em>fingers crossed</em> It's a Math 121 class btw, all of which sections are full already even before we started enrolling in classes (Aug 1 for us Session L people), which sucks. I remember there were only three spots open for the Session K people at the start of the week.</p>

<p>But anyway, I got all of my first-choice classes except for that, so I'm very happy.</p>

<p>ppl will drop it the first week so if you show up to the section you want to add in to, you will proly be able to get in. math/science classes are like that. be patient and don't lose hope prematurely. :)</p>

<p>open sesame, ISIS! dang its taking a long time.</p>

<p>anyways, i need to course action 2 of mine, so its prof emailing time, ISIS is going to be no help to me.</p>

<p>ISIS is busy; please wait and try again in a few minutes</p>

<p>Yeah thanks jerk, I'm a busy person too you know. Last day of work and I'm stalking CC and ISIS. Woo</p>

<p>man, I have one more week left. Thats alright, I am going to a concert in Richmond the day before my last day, so I'll be in here on 4 hours of sleep. I will accomplish even less than I usually do.</p>

<p>I usually stalk xkcd more than cc though, larger active user base during the day.</p>

<p>Yeah this is my 11th week, and I'm leaving for vacation (woo!) next friday, and upon return, I have 5 more days till move-in day, so I figured I'd give myself a break next week to finish shopping/making sure I have everything I need, and just hang out with friends and not worry about working. The days after vacation I have will be spent organizing everything and trying to figure out how to fit everything for clothes to my hutch to an extra small fridge to school stuff in my car in two trips. Blah.</p>

<p>And I agree, CC isn't too hot during the day.</p>

<p>Well, I just got in, and like always, slow as hell. Then, it promptly kicked me off.</p>

<p>I surrender. I only need to add one class anyways, I don't think I'll change anything around. I have Physics starting at 9 MWF, then CS 201 at 10 MWF, then STS at 11, MWF, ECE 203 at 4:30-5:45 MW, CS lab Monday at 1 I think, ECE discussion on tuesday, and I'll need a physics lab, hopefully on thursday but tuesday is fine too. I'm just trying to get into either the Russian politics class of EVSC 201.</p>

<p>what the heck is the advisor code?</p>

<p>The advisor code is a passcode that lets you signup for classes on ISIS and is given on a card you get when you meet with your advisor. This pertains to any semester after your first semester.</p>

<p>In your case, you are an E-Schooler going into your first semester. The E-School, for some messed up reason, denies incoming students access to ISIS before the first week of classes. You can't go around it. Sorry, I should have remembered to warn people about this.</p>


<p>I'm going to go bang my head into a wall now. This is STUPID! I am NOT a first semester engineering student! I have over 30 credits! Way over! </p>

<p>So I really can't access ISIS to add/move classes until Aug 28th? </p>


<p>I meant a first semester student at UVA. Sorry, it ****ed me off as well not too long ago.</p>

<p>dude, I have over 30 credits, way over... I'll have something like 50 credits, but they are still going to keep me out. But yeah, I know what you are trying to say.</p>

<p>UVa hates the Eschool. thats all there is to it.</p>


<p>Whoop! Just kidding! Sent good ole Mary Lane (she and I are best buddies) an email and she sent me the number right back! Woohoo! Oh, and then I go to put it in and ISIS goes "you're 30min are up, sucka!". $%#%#$@#$!!!!!</p>

<p>This is UVa's way of saying "you know engineering blows, and so we're going to make you hate it even more!"
This is the the out-of-class weeder: you can barely live through the classes, then you get to the "easy" part, and they f*** you</p>