FALL 2008 Application?

<p>When is the earliest you can send in an application for FALL 2008. If I get my app in early, will I hear from UCLA sooner?</p>

<p>if i remmebr correctly, last year the applications came out october 1, and could be submitted november 1. and no you will still hear back at the same time as everyone</p>

<p>last year we heard back march 29, o what a glorious day!</p>

<p>yeah no matter how early you send it you will hear back with all the others on the same day... I hated how UCLA and Cal released their decisions on march 29, that was the week we had spring break and I didn't get to enjoy it a single bit because I was busy checking the app site every hour or so... and on march 29 after 3 it was constant refreshing when me was refreshing UCLA's site and my friend refreshing Cal site...</p>