<p>Hey everyone,</p>
<p>I don't think my situation is probably that unique but if anyone with more knowledge than me could weigh in that would be great.</p>
<p>So after high school I didn't have any idea of what I wanted to do. I went to a CC and took an automotive electrical class (was a credit/ no credit not UC transferable), and didn't like that so decided to go to my other local CC and head down the traditional college path.</p>
<p>Spring 2008. I didn't know what I wanted to do still and I mainly was going to get my parents off my back so I took English 1a (reading and composition UC transferable) and Statistics as I wanted to get my math done. I got B's in both classes totaling 8 semester units . </p>
<p>Next fall I took classes with my friend and at this point had decided I wanted to go to a UC and put in some more effort, I still took basic general ed as I didn't know what I wanted to major in yet and got a 4.0 in a 10 unit semester with German, Econ and Western Civ.</p>
<p>Over the winter break I came to the conclusion that I should be a Computer Science or Computer Engineering major... and then I looked at the pre-reqs which I had completed 0 of and knew I had to get to work.</p>
<p>Last semester (spring 2009) I took every pre-req that was available to me, which due to my lack of effort in high school meant only pre-cal and intro to programming (C++). I also took the second half of western civ and sociology 1 just to make sure I had a full schedule. I took 15 units and got a 4.0 bringing my cumulative GPA up to 3.758.</p>
<p>At this point I have 33 units (soon to be 36 after I finish up the second english class over the summer) with what I feel is a decent GPA. The problem is the pre-requisite classes, as due to budget cuts the second pre-req programming class is not offered at my CC in the fall and since math is a series by the time I hope to transfer I will only have been able to finish Calc 1 & 2 and Phys 1 (and hopefully the other programming pre-req if it is offered in spring). Now I'm close to finishing the IGETC at this point and since taking every pre-req available will nowhere near give me a full schedule I figured I would take the few remaining social science/ bio science/ art classes I need in the fall and finish that up. </p>
<p>My top choices for schools at the moment are.
1. UCLA (more of a fantasy haha)
3. UCI
5. UCD
7. Cal Poly SLO</p>
<p>I'm really clueless as to my chances as I looked and my GPA is well over the average admitted at most of those schools, but due to the fact I didn't know IMMEDIATELY that I wanted to go for an engineering degree the minute I got to CC I will only have about 1/2-2/3 of the required pre-reqs done before the end of spring 2010. Also if I have stay another year to finish them up I will be trying to transfer with about 120 quarter units. I'd be pretty happy to go to any of those schools on my list but my top (I think realistic) choice is UCSB. So if someone who knows more could weigh in I'd really appreciate it, sorry for the long first post.</p>
Didn't know I wanted to do engineering immediately wasted 2 semesters not doing pre-reqs. Solid/Good GPA (3.758) A's in all pre-reqs I have taken, IGETC will be completed. Chance Me.</p>