Fall 2012 Decisions

<p>Can those of you who have heard please let us know:
Where you are from (state and/or county)
ACT/SAT scores
date your application was posted as complete
Thanks! And good luck to all-</p>

<p>Maryland and Wisconsin are very close in academics. If I were you I would probably go with Maryland since its a lot cheaper since its your home state. My son was accepted to both, Maryland was his second choice. Good luck</p>

<p>To All - son had a 4.00 GPA (uw), 33 ACT, and class rank of 2/290. From MN. He applied on 9/28 and with the “file complete” on 10/12. He had the standard “reviewing” message for about the last 3 weeks. Good luck.</p>

<p>Oh, and I’m OOS (Maryland) and applied October 31. Surprised at the fast reply.</p>


<p>That’s what I was thinking, and that’s what will probably happen unless I get rejected from UMD.</p>

<p>My S was accepted Friday. He has a 3.67 UW GPA and 5.0 W. 30 ACT. I guess taking difficult classes payed off. We were concerned with the GPA and when you read what everyone has been saying about stats needed to get in. I believe Wisconsin looks at the entire package.</p>

<p>WI/Waukesha county, 4.0 GPA UW, 31 ACT, file complete around 10/20, accepted 11/10</p>

<p>Son OOS California
GPA: 4.0 UW, 4.22 W
Class rank: 10/550
ACT: 32
SAT II: Biology 800, Chemisty 740, US History 740
Applied Oct. 19th, heard less than three weeks later.</p>

<p>Heyy, hope everyone had a good weekend (anyone catch that harry potter marathon on abc family?) Anyway, this is erica and I personally know two people who got in today (both 30 ACT) but they were both from florida and one of the guys said people from his school got in with a 28. Is it possibly that uw could be reviewing apps by state? I do not know of anyone getting in from PA (my state) nor NJ. Does anyone? For accepted people, did other people from your school/state hear the same time as you? Maybe the PA/NJ counselor is sick? And nuplex, did u submit both your sat and act to uw or just sat?</p>

<p>Hello, so another notion, maybe the PA admissions counselor’s wife just had a baby.</p>

<p>From NJ, received acceptance last night. 28 sounds pretty low for out-of-state at this point in the game, and your info is second-hand. Lot of baloney going around when it comes to college admissions.</p>

<p>anyone from NY hear?- Westchester County???</p>

<p>^^Agreed on the bologna bit. I’m IS with similar stats (31 ACT, 4.0 uw), applied in early September, and I haven’t heard anything yet. :(</p>

<p>Wisconsingene: Why don’t you email your admissions counselor? Your stats certainly look like you would likely to be admitted. Since you applied so early in September, if it were me, I would contact them to make sure they have everything of yours and also to ask what is the status of your application.</p>

<p>Hi All, </p>

<p>Well, in NJ and still patiently awaiting a reply. My S’s app file was complete in early October. He falls into what this thread would deem the postpone pile, so (to be honest) the longer he doesn’t hear, the more faith I have in the process and the fact that UW truly does review all aspects of the applicant’s file. </p>

<p>Like many in the same boat, my S is going crazy with anticipation, he truly believes UW is his #1 choice and feels helpless just waiting. His HS uses block schedule system, so his Q1 grades will show Sr. year grade trend at this point, but no formal GPA updates until Feb. If his Q1 grades in 2 AP’s and an Honors show strong B+ or A grades, should he proactively contact UW admissions and offer to send those grades, or just hold off unless UW requests?? Could offering to send them have any negative impact at this point? Or an email to stress that UW is his #1 choice again? Thin line between being enthusiastic and bothersome…</p>

<p>Feedback anyone? Thanks!</p>

<p>Nova-What are his stats? Maybe you are jumping the gun here? It is only November. it is still early for decisions. Fill us in on his stats. Remember they have a ton of applications to go through and they don’t come out in any order.</p>

<p>I would wait until they give you the next decision. If your son is deferred then wait until his midterm grades are known or sent(they will ask for them) and then write a note that shows that your son really is interested in UW and really wants to attend. good luck</p>

<p>I sometimes find it funny that some people think they’ll get in on stats alone or get quick responses just because they’re a 3.85 UW and 33 ACT. There are tons of people like you, and the only way for them to distinguish you is with your essay, recs, and such. If they’re mediocre then why should they rush in accepting you? Being a minority certainly helped me, but for them to get back to me in two weeks was surprising, especially since I’m pretty mediocre stats wise.</p>

I sent both SAT(2020, 1910) and ACT(28)</p>

<p>It’s not that I feel entitled. I have enough to respect for UW-Madison to know I’m not a shoe-in. I knew that from the start. It’s just that I’ve been in limbo for two months and I am a little anxious considering other folks with similar stats seem to be getting notified. My stats are exactly the same as Badgerdad’s son, even down to the application being received on 9/20 (I’m not from Waukesha, but still…). </p>

<p>I don’t know if I should call admissions because I don’t want to annoy the guy and give him reason to deny me. </p>

<p>I’ve asked before and I suppose I’ll ask again. There are three things showing up for me on the student portal thing. I have test scores, application fee and transcript all with the date on which they were processed. Am I missing anything?</p>

<p>justwaiting1, thanks, that is what we intend to do. :slight_smile: patience is a virtue we could all use more of in times like this! LOL
wiscongene, hang in there too!!</p>