Fall 2012 Decisions

<p>Wiscongene: just hang in there. You may be in a bottleneck pile. Specific counselor may be slow. I am assuming your essay spoke strongly as to why UW Madison is the perfect match for you? Also, do you have teacher recommendations. Finally, assuming you have rigor in your coursework (AP and/or college level courses) with that 4.0 UW then I wouldn’t worry at all.</p>

<p>this is an extremely stressful time for all of us and I think its really nice that we can all connect in this thread</p>

<p>Lol. You guys weren’t kidding. Not but two hours later and I am proud to announce that I have been accepted! Needless to say, I am elated! </p>

<p>I’m afraid to deal with the accept/decline button because I’m worried my shaky hand will push the wrong thing. </p>


  • Male from Wisconsin
  • 31 ACT (11 writing)
  • 4.0 uw GPA (school does not rank nor weight)
  • Two-time state-qualified athlete in XC (Varsity for 4 years); 3 years of Varsity Track
  • 250+ volunteer hours over four years at hospital
  • other minor ECs
  • Three LORs (English teacher, Coach and Volunteer officer)
  • No paid work experience</p>

<p>Now, if you’d excuse me I’m going to go watch the Packer game before figuring out how to apply for housing. Good luck to all!</p>

<p>so exciting!! mazel tov</p>


<p>Congratz, you were a shoe-in (lol, contradicting myself)! Didn’t have to be worried about anything.</p>

<p>Wiscongene–Fantastic, congrats!!! Never had a doubt!! :slight_smile: Best of luck to you. Keep the rest of us posted on the other decisions before you now that you are a Badger, as we all hope to be able to come to you after accepted for guidance too!!</p>

<p>Daughter is probably borderline acceptance into UW but has really tough AP class schedule this semester and just received very good mid semester grades. Would this be something to try and send in , and who would you send it to? Thanks in advance.</p>

<p>Concensus on this thread is to wait for a 1st decision, and then submit additional material. I don’t have any real experience, but many posts have implied that midterms grades aren’t considered valuable. Again, just say’n, no experience. The advice about waiting till Admissions gives you an initial answer makes sense to me, and I’m trying to be patient as well. As exciting as it is to see others get accepted, it just makes me more anxious.</p>

<p>congrats Wiscongene. brucesprings I would wait until they ask for it. If you are postponed they will want your midterm grades. This year they are working thru the apps much faster than last year. good luck</p>

<p>heyy prospective badgers, im making a list of all the states that have received any decision whether accepted/postponed/rejected. Did I miss any?
-New York
-New Jersey</p>

<p>To those of you anxiously waiting and those who were postponed my advice to you is apply and visit other schools, BE SURE TO LET YOUR MADISON ADMISSIONS COUNSELOR know that Madison is your number one choice (if it truly is). You can call or send your counselor an e-mail even before you hear of a decision. My son was initially postponed and he called his counselor AFTER to let her know how badly he wanted to go to Madison. She was happy to hear that because no where in his essay did he refer to this. They want to hear in some way via essay, e-mail, phone call that Madison is one of your top choices and why.</p>

<p>My son was eventually waitlisted and was accepted June from the waitlist. He is a Freshman and loves Madison and is doing great academically and socially there. He did have other options and was plann ing to attend another school but continued to update his Madison counselor with any changes to his resume and he reminded her that Madison was still his number one choice overall. Best of luck to everyone. I know it is a highly anxious time but keep all options and communication open.</p>

<p>has anyone heard from ct area/ alec widerski? I submitted two weeks ago, so i know it hasn’t been that long, but people are already hearing back who submitted around the time i did…</p>

<p>Alec Widerski is our area’s counselor too and my s submitted end of September. Still have not heard. I assume it is a committee and not just the decision of one person?</p>

<p><strong><em>heyy prospective badgers, im making a list of all the states that have received any decision whether accepted/postponed/rejected. Did I miss any?</em></strong></p>

<p>A girl at my D’s high school was accepted a little over a week ago. So you can add Illinois to your list.</p>

<p>Is the turn around time from getting the “Your application is being reviewed” message still about a week? Or should I be expecting my decision later than that?</p>

<p>I’ve not heard of anyone who had turnaround time of a week. The fastest that I’ve heard or read about is 2 weeks, and the longest is still unknown, but there are people who submitted in mid-September that haven’t gotten an answer. I submitted in mid-October, and am still waiting.</p>

<p>My S’s app has been complete since mid September, status changed to “…we will contact you if additional information is needed…” etc. on 10-27…S is still waiting…agree with ILMaggie, 2 weeks is by far the fastest.</p>

<p>I received a notification of my acceptance on Sunday… tangible letter today. Bf got his notification a day earlier and my bestie got her’s about a week ago. We’re all instate students who submitted our applications early October.</p>

<p>Azzian - I was wondering if you could share your stats (or the stats of your friend and bf). If you don’t mind, that would be great (:</p>

<p>@buckyhopeful123 I can post them here no problem, if you want something a bit more specific let me know:</p>


<p>GPA: 3.97

  • U.S. History 4
  • Euro 4
  • Macro 3
  • Micro 4
  • Psych 5
    ACT: 32
    SAT: -
  • Student Council
  • DECA
  • Debate
  • Really bad…so many typos and mistakes now that I look at it. I even used the wrong form of “your”
  • Didn’t write the second one
    Teacher Recs:
  • Didn’t submit one</p>


<p>GPA: 4.0

  • U.S. History 5
  • Macro 5
  • Micro 5
  • Calc BC 5
    ACT: 33
    SAT: -
  • Major bandie
  • Theater
  • Lacrosse
  • Swimming
  • Cross Country
  • He choose not to write any. I told him it might be a bad idea but it was his choice haha
    Teacher Recs:
  • I think he used his accounting teacher who absolutely him, so I’d assume it was pretty good</p>


<p>GPA: 3.5 something

  • She took a bunch of AP classes but never actually took the exams. Why she didn’t I don’t know but she certainly had course rigor.
    ACT: 28
    SAT: 2130
  • Student Council
  • DECA
  • Swing Choir (Glee stuff if you know what I mean)
  • Musical
  • Cross Country
  • Track and Field
  • Key Club
  • Volunteered alot…probably every weekend she was free (500 hrs + at least)
  • Amazing in my opinion. Really heartfelt about her bringing diversity to the campus. I could tell she wrote it. Great voice…made me feel like a slacker for not spending more time on mine
  • Her second essay was about how volunteering with disabled children really effected her as an individual. Again, it was great.
    Teacher Recs:
  • I don’t think the teacher ever submitted it in time. He was really busy and when she asked him about it he said he was still working on it (she got her acceptance a day or two later)</p>

<p>We’re all happy to be admitted so now we’re working on our reach schools. I’m sure everyone posting on CC is more than qualified to find the college of their dreams. Best of luck to all!!</p>