<p>Hey, I was wondering if anyone could give some advice regarding which classes to register for in each phase of Tele-BEARS for next semester. I'm hoping to take:</p>
<p>Physics H7B
Math 110
Econ 1
An R&C B course (preferably Scandinavian or German)</p>
<p>If it makes any difference, I have priority for Tele-BEARS (Regents' scholar).</p>
<p>Also, how is Econ 1 sound for a breadth? I got 5's on both AP econ exams in high school so I have a decent background in the subject.</p>
<p>I know math courses can probably be phase 2’s, since they’re not as popular. </p>
<p>I would Phase 1 Physics and R&C, assuming they’re required courses, as opposed to a breadth(which you can substitute for more easily)</p>
<p>I’m an Engineering Physics and Applied Math double so econ is just for one of the L&S breadths. I also have to do a humanities series for CoE though so I want to take an upper-div econ for that requirement.</p>
<p>So you have to take more than one econ course?</p>
<p>Give that, skip Economics 1 and go straight to Economics 101A or 101B. You will probably find them more interesting, given your math and economics background.</p>
<p>Note that your AP economics scores could be used instead of Economics 1 for the economics and business majors, so they are “officially” accepted for subject credit and placement.</p>
<p>Note also that the CoE H/SS requirement does say that “AP, IB or A-Levels can be used with an upper division course to satisfy the series.”</p>
<p>I agree with garfieldliker.</p>
<p>R&C courses fill up fast and are hard to replace, and I’d assume tha Physics is in high demand since lots of people have to take it.</p>
<p>Phase 1 Econ 1 so you get the discussion section you want.</p>
<p>Phase 1 R&C B since they get filled out relatively quickly.</p>
<p>Aren’t lower division physics courses always full, so putting them in phase 1 is always advised?</p>
<p>I agree with ucbalumnus that you shouldn’t do Econ 1
Given that you already know the material, find something more interesting that’s well-worth the tuition. I personally found Econ 1, UGBA 10, and similar courses super easy (can you agree with me, Haas friends?
), but they are overly competitive that missing a couple of multiple choice questions here and there can cost you a letter grade. There are tons of interesting breadth courses at Berleley, all taught by leaders in their respective fields. Go do something you don’t know.</p>
<p>That said, I’d advise phase 1 R&C (same reason as people above) and Math 110. Nadler was a fantastic professor last Fall (I took it with him), and given that he’s more popular to the student population now (either on ninja course or thru people took it with him), his course may fill up very quickly. I don’t think Honor Physics would fill up before Phase 2, and so would the breadth course.</p>