Fall 2013 Transfer Thread

<p>I saw a couple of posts from Fall 2013 prospective transfer students and decided to create this thread to keep everything organized and together. With everyone’s questions and posts in one spot we can help chance ourselves relative to other students applying to the same major. We can also use this to let each other know when the acceptance letters start rolling out. So if you are planning on transferring to TAMU next fall you can posts your stats and questions here. </p>

<p>I’ll start off by saying I plan on applying to the Dwight Look College of Engineering. My first choice major will be Mechanical Engineering. </p>

<p>Here are some of my stats:
Overall GPA: 3.54
Total Hours Completed: 39
Lone Star College
Classes currently enrolled: (Fall 12) Calculus III, Mechanics and Heat, and Government II
Current classes are all hopefully on track for “A’s” which would bring my GPA at the time of application to a 3.64</p>

<p>Course History:
High School Dual Credit (12 hours)
English 1-C
History 1-B
History 2-C
Government 1-B</p>

<p>After graduation is when I woke up and realized I needed to apply myself more haha
Here are some of the courses that are very important to my major that TAMU will put the most emphasis on. I’m not going to include my grades for electives such as Kinesiology and Psychology because the College of Engineering frankly just doesn’t care lol. The best thing would be if everybody included the most important classes to your major and the grade</p>

<p>Pre Cal-A
Calculus I-A
Chemistry I-A
Calculus II-A
Chemistry II-A
Technical Writing-A
Calculus III-Hopeful A
Mechanics and Heat-Hopeful A
Also, I am a member of PTK and in a couple of clubs but I don't think there is a huge emphasis placed on extracurricular stuff for transfers.</p>

<p>I would really appreciate it if you would chance me or include any tips you might have.
Some information I received at Transfer Information Day for engineers- They want to see that you have taken and equivalent to ENGR 111 and/or ENGR 112. There is no common course numbers for these you just have to work with the college for compatibility. </p>

<p>This is not just a thread for my major so if you are applying to any other college or major please post!</p>


<p>I’m going to apply for sumner/fall 2013 as a transfer. My priority program is Petroleum Engineering and then Geosciences.</p>

<p>I dont know if high school stats matter but I graduated with a 3.3 gpa, not sure about rank.</p>

<p>I have done 60+ college credits at a community college ( Broward College), and currently hold a 3.9 gpa. I’ve also done volunteer hours and Im a member of Phi Theta Kappa.</p>

<p>I also plan to spend Spring 2013 in Texas Tech University.</p>

<p>As for prerequisites, I’ve done chem:1,2, calc:1,2(doing 3 at Texas Tech), physics:1,(doing 2 at Texas Tech).</p>

<p>PLEASE REAPOND, I really need some thoughts</p>

<p>@Chad Hey, your college is part of TAMU TAP program [Transfer</a> Articulation Program (TAP)](<a href=“http://admissions.tamu.edu/TAP/default.aspx]Transfer”>http://admissions.tamu.edu/TAP/default.aspx) … you’re auto-admit if you complete their course list. You’re lucky.</p>

<p>I was here ~~> [Texas</a> A&M University | Transfer Information Day](<a href=“http://admissions.tamu.edu/tid/]Texas”>http://admissions.tamu.edu/tid/) Monday. The head of PetE admissioner/professor said that MechE and PetE is the hardest to get into. He told us the Pete takes about 220 students a year. Top 10% high school freshman take lot of those space leaving about 70 for transfer. He said of (PetE) they start at 4.0 and work down; by the time he gets to 3.8 GPA it’s full. He told us have a plan B if applying for transfer with under 3.8 GPA. COLD HARD FACTS.</p>

<p>As for me I too will apply for PetE currently at 3.5 with about 60 credits, Physics 2 & Cal II pending for Fall '12; I’ll take Cal 3 in spring. Luckily I go to Richland College and signed up for the TAP so I should be auto-admit.</p>

<p>*** FYI: Not sure if it’s TAMU overall, but PetE does not transfer 300+ course from a non-accredited CC (i.e. differential equation) *** Feel free to ask anything.</p>

<p>Here’s the TAP course for my school, probably same for all participating college <a href=“http://admissions.tamu.edu/files/tapDegreePlans/engineering.pdf[/url]”>http://admissions.tamu.edu/files/tapDegreePlans/engineering.pdf&lt;/a&gt; (Notice MATH 308 differential equation)</p>

<p>@sobe thanks for the information, I am actually already signed up for the TAP Program at my CC. If I don’t get accepted for the fall, the TAP program will be my backup plan for the next spring.</p>

<p>If you plan on using the TAP Program you have to have all the bold classes completed when you apply, not in progress. If you are taking Cal III in the spring, you won’t be able to “TAP” in until the next spring. This is something that was news to me so I’m just spreading the news.</p>

<p>Thanks for the tips! I will look into the differential equations issue soon. I’m hoping that is only an issue for PETE because the mechanical engineering advisors never mentioned it. Hoping it transfers!
Thanks again</p>



<p>I’m very aware of this. So Fall 2013 deadline is March, spring grade won’t be posted til May-ish. I questioned this at the seminar, and the professor pointed this out… </p>

<p>[In the case a student is denied for the fall term, spring grades may then be used in the admissions decision if received by June 1 and if space is still available in the intended major.] [url=<a href=“http://admissions.tamu.edu/transfer/gettingin/waysAdmitted/default.aspx]Ways”>http://admissions.tamu.edu/transfer/gettingin/waysAdmitted/default.aspx]Ways</a> to be Admitted<a href=“under%20Review%20Admits”>/url</a></p>

<p>Under that condition, I’ll be review admit as a TAP student; he didn’t mention anything about “if space is still available”. I just sent an email to ask about that if it’s guaranteed ONLY if it’s NOT full. I’m waiting for a reply. </p>

<p>He said usually the cap is 200 students or something but with Top 10% it’s guaranteed to accept them after it’s full, same goes for national merits. Hopefully it’s the same for TAP.</p>

<p>So your question is if you get denied initially can you reapply after spring grades come out and be an auto admit for the fall?</p>

<p>It seems reasonable to me, but you’d think they would mention that if it was an option. You never know with advisors these days. </p>

<p>Anyways, great idea and let me know what the response is because that would be very beneficial to all TAP students not to have to wait the extra semester.</p>

<p>Another question I have is if you are basically expecting to get denied based on the ~3.8 GPA fact the advisor mentioned. The advisors made it sound to me that less focus was put on your overall GPA than the grades you recieved in the CBK coursework. Obviously they won’t accept someone with a low GPA, but it just seems like you are making yourself sound less competitive than you really are with a 3.5</p>

<p>@lookbehindyou your stats look really good. With all those classes completed and a 3.9 GPA you have a good chance. Make sure you get A’s in you cal II and physics this semester because other than that all you have is cal I and both chems. </p>

<p>If you have A’s in your chemistry and cal I in addition to A’s this semester you should have no problem.</p>



<p>The host was the PetE Dept. head assistant himself (Bryan Maggard). My question wasn’t if I can reapply;I was TOLD to send spring grades if denied. It’s whether i’ll still be guaranteed admission ONLY if the dept is NOT Full was the question since he fail to mention that.</p>

<p>As seen


<p>The way he said it was that starting from 4.0 applicants, when he get to about 3.8; the PetE department USUALLY fill up. That’s why I feel my 3.5 does not look good. (Maybe at other University or Department) But at the top 3 PetE program like TAMU 3.5 isn’t great.</p>

So what’s my chance?
Currently- College Freshman at West Texas A&M
Major-Biology (Pre-Med)
Hours after Fall 2012 semester is finished (including credit received in high school)- 33
Fall 2012 Courses & expected grade-
Freshman Orientation Course-A

<p>Dual Credit-
History 1-B
History 2-A

English 1- 3 hours credit
English 2- 3 hours credit</p>

<p>ACT exemption-
At my current university, my ACT score was high enough that I was exempt from College Algebra- Does anyone know if that will carry over to A&M?</p>

<p>Other info-
I applied to go to A&M for the Fall of 2012. I was accepted, but I denied at the last minute. Do you think that this will hurt/help my chances of getting in?
I desperately want to go to TAMU, and plan on spending a great deal of time on my essays to get in! </p>

<p>Thank you!</p>

<p>I doubt they keep any records of students who were accepted and decided not to attend. So that shouldnt hurt your chances. If you have been accepted before, and dont have any grade meltdowns this semester, I would expect you would be accepted again. The only other factor would be the number of applicants but it shouldnt be that different from Fall '12 so I think youll be fine!</p>

<p>I’m also applying for transfer for fall 2013. I will be applying to the Dwight Look College of Engineering for computer engineering. I’m currently a student at my local CC. Here are my credits and grades so far.</p>

<p>Calculus 1 & 2 - AP BC test score of 4.
American Government - CLEP with score of 68.
US History 1 - CLEP with score of 66.
US History 2 - CLEP with score of 65.
Chemistry 1 & 2 - currently studying to take CLEP test. Hopefully will get it finished around the beginning of January.
Calculus 3 - A from CC
State Government - A from CC
English 1 - A from CC
Physics 1 - Awaiting grade from CC. Most likely will be an A.
Physics 2 - Will be taking it next semester.
Differential Equations - Will be taking it next semester.
Technical Communications - Will be taking it next semester.
Economics 1 - Will be taking it next semester.</p>

<p>In all, I will have 52 credits completed by the end of next semester, 27 from my CC, and 25 from tests. I have a question. I’ve been told, even though the transfer requirements for computer engineering posted by TAMU don’t list it, they require you to have passed English 2, which is TCCNS ENGL 1302, otherwise they won’t accept you. Is this true?</p>

<p>I ended up receiving “A’s” in my courses for the fall semester. That brings my overall GPA up to a 3.64, which hopefully is good enough!</p>

<p>@smarinov I haven’t heard anything about the ENGL 1302 course being required. Every department handles classes differently so I am only positive Mechanical doesn’t require it. It looks like the GPA you will be applying with is 4.0, if I’m not mistaken. That is great!</p>

<p>Good luck to everyone applying soon!</p>

<p>For My Potential Roommate! PLEASE HELP! </p>


<p>My friend and I are already accepted to Texas A&M. Our other friend who wants to room with us is transfering in from a community college. We need to know her chances before signing a lease and she won’t get her acceptance letter in time.</p>

-works at Payless, babysitts
-moderate SAT scores in highschool (I don’t know specifics)
-not a very good high school student (possibly a 2.5 gpa)
-failed biology at Community College
-dropped a class
-has taken all needed classes
-has a 3.4 gpa now
-one C in English
-is applying Communications in Liberal Arts College at Texas A&M</p>

<p>please any feedback is helpful. If anyone has transfered before with a failed class or a drop comment! Thanks so much</p>

<p>@Emanderson may I ask what were yours and the friend that got accepted GPA and major? I’m really nervous about my 3.46 GPA chance to get in Engineering, but I think my essay is pretty strong.</p>

<p>@SobeGreenTea972: It depends on what part of engineering you’re going into. If it’s one of the competitive fields, like petroleum or mechanical, you need at least a 3.7 or higher. But if it’s one of the less competitive ones, a 3.4 should cut it (if you have good grades in math and science). And just IMHO, the essay isn’t such a big determining factor in admissions.</p>

<p>I applied a few weeks ago around 1/1/13 to the College of Liberal Arts as an International Studies Major. I was wondering if anyone could tell me my chances, and how long it will take to get a response.</p>

<p>AP Credit: 6 hours Us History
High School Dual: 3 hrs Econ- B
3 hrs Us Govt- B
Community College: 3 hrs Sociology- A, 3hrs Texas Govt-A</p>

<p>University of Texas at Arlington: 3 hrs math-A, 3 hrs Speech-A, 3 hrs English- A, 3 hrs mana- A</p>

<p>Next Semester- Arabic, Geology, geography, English,music</p>

<p>@Ramaiz: sounds like you’re in really good shape. You’ve got a pretty high GPA of 3.75, and the fact that you took history with AP (which not many students can handle in high school), should drive up your chances of admission.</p>

<p>With a 3.75 you should be more than competitive for most majors, as long as you have completed a majority of the classes they want you to. </p>

<p>I applied 1/1 for mechanical engineering with a 3.64 and 50 hours completed. My essay and fee have been processed. I sent my college transcript 1/4 and they have received it 1/7, but have not processed it.</p>

<p>I was under the impression that you had to send your high school transcript to be considered for admission. AIS makes it seem like all they need is the college transcript and the high school transcript can be sent at any time before you register. </p>

<p>I will more than likely just send my HS transcript to be safe! Good luck!</p>

<p>@Chadblake How did you send your transcript? Electronically or through the mail?</p>

<p>I sent mine through mail. My school’s online transcript service was not compatible with TAMU’s. I didn’t pay for faster shipping so it arrived earlier than expected.</p>