Fall 2014 transfer

<p>What are my chances??
i'm male and from Wisconsin
high school gpa 3.5 out of 4.0
took some college credits in high school
extremely involved with sports,clubs, and volunteering </p>

small private school in mn
im taking: (17 credits)
college writing
dynamic and health movement
projected gpa 3.7-4.0 out of 4.0 this semester
I plan on taking chem, calc or stats and a history class
i plan on taking about 15-17 credits for spring semester</p>

<p>ill have about 41 credits at the end of the year</p>

<p>ill have two letters of rec
pretty good essays
not going to submit act (kinda low) or should i???
still involved with sports and volunteering</p>

<p>It would have been better to excel at the academics instead of spending more time on extracurriculars (too late for you now but useful for others reading this thread). You need to submit either ACT or SAT scores. Your grades are not stellar- someone could ask why you didn’t get more A’s, even in college classes (not all college courses are that rigorous, especially compared to ones offered at UW-Madison). Being at a private school does not mean your school is better than (or even as good as) many public schools in Wisconsin.</p>

<p>You can’t get in if you don’t apply. Apply and have alternates.</p>