Fall 2016 Transfer

Hello everyone. I recently applied for Fall Early Action transfer to TCU and was wondering what my chances were. I currently hold a 3.81 GPA with 32 credits. I am not in any extracurriculars as I work full-time.

Has anyone received an admission decision?

Also, how do I check my application status? I never received a TCU ID.

You should get in easily. You also meet the minimum requirements for the TCU transfer scholarship (12K/year), however meeting the requirements doesn’t guarantee you will receive it but I think you have a great shot. My application was submitted in January and I received my acceptance about 3 weeks ago and my scholarship notification today. Like you, I never recieved an email containing my TCU ID and password, but I called the admissions office and they were able to tell me what it was so I could log on and check my status. I recommend you do the same! Good luck and go frogs!

I got admitted today! I submitted my app about half way through February for reference I have 90 units after this semester and a 3.85 GPA

I was accepted today as well! Now I’m just waiting to see if I get a scholarship…