I am getting frustrated. My son is getting frustrated as well. He is looking forward to living on campus when he transfers to RIT this fall. We understand this are some challenging times for everyone. Every aspect of our lives is affected and dictated by this coronavirus. And I’m sure every school is facing a lot of challenges as they try to prepare to open safely this fall. That said, there is no available housing for him as a transfer. Classes starts Aug 19. We are a month away from that and just found out that no housing is available for him. I really wish we were told as early as June when we inquired so we could have done some early house hunting and planning. On top of this, it worries me that I have to consider my son’s health (asthma) when looking for off campus housing and possible room mates. It would have been ideal for him to stay on campus with all the steps the school is doing to protect everyone from this virus. Of course, nothing is 100% safe from it but as a parent, I feel more at ease to know he is staying on one of their housing.
Now, we have a small window to look for housing and explore any other possible options for him. Pay an arm for off campus housing (we found the housing cost is more $$$), reach out to the school’s housing and let them know of my son’s health risk, defer for fall 2020 or defer for the whole 2020-21 school year. Son doesn’t want to defer for a year but open for a deferral for fall but prefers to start classes this fall.
Are you facing similar issues for your college bound kids? Btw, our daughter is an incoming sophomore to Colgate. She is another one with health risk from the virus. My stress level is rising by the day.
Good luck. We had luck looking at sublets for students backing out for the semester for various reasons at a Boston area school with similar issues as yours. Housing is lacking but sublets are available.
On the covid front. Asthma is scary. But there is early data suggesting it’s actually underrepresented in cases with serious outcomes. Also it’s not listed among the top risk factors currently and comparatively to other issues.
Of course anything. Is possible and it shouldn’t be ignored of course. I’d be very careful too. However I don’t want you to worry in an outsized way.
Masks. Distancing. Hand sanitizing and keep people out of your primary bedroom and super discipline.
No greater risk than at home if he’s active and goes out.
Is he registered with the Office of Disabilities for his asthma? If so, accommodations might be available and include housing. Not sure but it’s a thought.
There are a lot of apartments available right now. What city? If Boston, I can PM you some resources.
Thank you. I did reached out to RIT housing again. I’m just waiting for their response.
our Son goes to RIT. based on the housing costs, off campus in one of the nearby apartments is not more money. many are subleasing for 700$ a month and they get their own bedroom. Check the RIT reddit. Some of the apartments are walkable to campus or there is a shuttle. try finding an apartment in a major city such as DC/NY/Boston/LA. For my other child the cheapest apartment situation is double that.
BTW not sure what state you are coming from. Rochester is in NYS, but they were not hit as hard as other areas. Also how the campus is, I feel it would be safer than some other schools.
We are 2.5 hours away from Rochester. Our city is sandwich between Albany and Syracuse. I guess another option for us is to sublet but that is a bit scary for me. Can we trust that the person subletting the apartment will not screw us up? I’m assuming some of the sublets are from RIT students? Any pointers about dealing with sublets?
From the parents group , it seems to be that noone has ever had issues with the subletting. Many kids will get coops for the fall now and then their apartments will be open
Yes, I’m with you.
My D’s college will allow only freshmen and sophomores in the dorms for the fall. Then for the spring, they switch with juniors and seniors.
My D will be a senior. She would like to take in-person classes (some are available) so she has to find an off-campus housing.
We have a month and a half to find it.
We are in Seattle area and the school is in NYC. I have no experience leasing such a place unseen. I am full of “what ifs” and losing nights’ sleep.
@Hitch123 I can empathize. Just did this for my daughter, had 2 weeks to find housing in Raleigh… Does the school have a parent facebook page? If so, they may be able to help with suggestions. I also contacted a community police officer who helped with providing crime statistics for specific neighborhoods.