Hi guys, it doesn’t look like one has been started yet so I guess I’ll start this out. Post your stats, admission decision (eventually) and your questions 
Degree: ADT, business admin
GPA: 3.44
Golden 4: completed
Local: no, but transferring from san diego mesa
Major: Business admin (marketing)
Wrapping up my application now for SDSU and San Marcos! Good luck everyone!
Thanks for starting this tread!
Degree: ADT, business admin
GPA: 3.84
Golden 4: completed
Local: no, orange county.
Major: Business admin
I applied for fall 2020 and was denied. I applied for spring 2021 and I am awaiting a decision. I will submit my fall 2021 application too- third times a charm?? I
Good luck to all applicants!!
Hello !
Did you find out why you were denied ? Your stats seem pretty competitive !
Hi @Graceffface
I applied for FalI 2020 as a marketing major. At that time, I did not have my ADT and my GPA was 3.56. I had the major prep courses completed for an ADT, but I did not realize I needed more major preps for the very impacted major. I applied for Spring 2021 for the same major but was denied with a 3.72 GPA. I still had one class outstanding for major prep. For Fall 2021, my third try, I have all my major prep classes completed, my ADT completed, with the GPA bump to 3.84. If I don’t get in this time, I have given it my all, and I have to assume it was not meant to be. I was warned by my CC counselor that SDSU is a very tough transfer for business administration majors, but it is my #1 choice, so its worth a third shot…
There isn’t a transfer pathway for ADT to marketing (unfortunately), only for business admin. So you’re saying that this time around, you applied with your ADT to business admin- for the first time out of your attempts right? That makes me feel a little better because at first I was like woah… how did they not get in?! I feel like you’ll have a way better chance now. I know priority is first given to locals, then to ADT applicants, then to the rest of everyone else.
Hi Bre-
Yes, I didn’t have my ADT completed when I applied previously. I also applied to a major that is super impacted. Now I have my ADT completed and I am applying to a major that take ADT transfers. I am super hopeful this time around, but you never know…
Anyone have their supplemental application available yet in the web portal? I see it’s due by the 22nd of Jan but I don’t have the option to complete it
@Bre_Carreon Based on last year- they enabled that feature on January 8th and sent an e-mail request for the update. Last year deadline was January 31st. I think we should be expecting the request any day now.
I got the request from cal state apply on the 8th to update my app within their system with my updated fall grades, but still haven’t received anything from sdsu about their supplemental app which says due the 22nd on their website. Have you guys gotten yours yet? @makeupyourmind
UGH, I am having the same issue!
I figured it out. On the web portal, go to the admission status page. At the bottom of that page, you will find the supplemental application notice. You use this to update your application. It doesn’t look right, but you have to page through it to find the updates. I hope this helps…
Yeah I see it’s available now!! it wasn’t there before I swear lol. Going to take a crack at it now thank you!
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My brother just got the link today (he’s not on here). He is a transfer for Psych from a Los Angeles based CC. When filling out the Supp App he discovered that one of the classes marked as one he had to “complete” for his major had no comparable course at his CC. He took a similar class, but it is not listed as comparable (there is no comparable class). Does this mean he will get screened out, or will they make considerations and let him take it if admitted? (I know a long shot as he is out of the area). He has a bunch of other classes that are transferable for the major and will have his ADT in Psych. Seems unfair if they ding you when there was no real ability to take the needed class. Especially during COVID!
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Hey y’all!
Major: Communications
ADT: yes
GPA: 3.77
Golden 4: done
Major prep: 2 classes left that Im taking in spring ‘21 (this semester)
Local: no, coming from palomar cc
What do you think my chances are?? I know SDSU is pretty impacted.
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Hey everyone!
Major: Psychology
ADT: Yes
GPA: 3.74
Golden 4: All complete
Pre-requisites: All complete
Local: Yes. Chula Vista/ Southwestern College
I’m terrified. It seems the psychology major is especially impacted. I’m really banking on getting into SDSU, really don’t want to have to move to LA to my backup schools to get my BA.
Best of luck to everyone.
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@greeneyedqueen I think you are very competitive for SDSU. You will have all your major prep completed, you have an ADT, and you have a good GPA. Question- is your 3.77 with the ADT bump or without?
@jasonfrederick You’ve got this! You are local, which gives you a huge advantage over the non-local applicants.
@makeupyourmind I believe it’s without. I don’t have the ADT yet not until May, how can I tell if it’s with or without?
@greeneyedqueen Your GPA from your CC is your GPA w/out the ADT bump. So, if your CC GPA is 3.77, once you get your ADT, it will bump to 3.87 for cal state applications.
@makeupyourmind no way I didn’t realize that! So yes my GPA is 3.77 without the boost 
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