Fall 2024 ED/EA Acceptance

Anyone else apply or get accepted to Stetson University for fall of 2024? I got my acceptance a couple of weeks ago :slight_smile: and am waiting to hear about merit. I’ve also gotten an invitation to attend Scholar’s Day :smiley:


I just got my merit award yesterday in the mail. I received $33,000 per year :grinning:
I got accepted on October 18th via the applicant portal online so it takes a few weeks to receive the package in the mail.

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Applied Oct 20 Accepted Oct 31 for Fall 2024 Sociology
3.23 UW 32 DE credits 2 AP 2 IB Honors/Pre-IB
1230 SAT
$29k annually in merit


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Is Stetson your top choice? Where else are you looking?

FSU is my top choice. I applied there as a Junior transfer (weird situation I have going on), but I do really like Stetson. They were very kind to me during the admission process and quite personable. One thing that almost sold me was that it was pet friendly, which would have been ideal for my puppy. It’s just too expensive, even with institutional aid and scholarships. :V

Also applied to UNF, UCF, USF, FIU, and UTampa. Accepted to UNF and FIU this past week. My top two are FSU and USF.

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It is very expensive! Unless I can get more merit or something, I won’t be able to afford it especially because I need to factor in out of state travel costs- I would be coming from upstate New York.
In Florida I also applied to University of Tampa, University of Florida, University of Miami, and Florida Institute of Technology of which they gave me $21,000 making them about 10,000 cheaper than Stetson.

That’s amazing! Definitely check out UF if it meets your needs, as that’s our flagship university. If you’re set on coming to Florida, explore it in its entirety. You may or may not like it, but there are a lot of cool experiences here. I wish you luck!

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