<p>I'm going to be a 2nd semester freshman soon and I'm kind of interested in rushing for a sorority.</p>
<p>I'm a little hesitant to rush next fall 09 because I'll be a 2nd year by then. </p>
<p>But I'm a little hesitant to rush for spring 09 (while I'm still a 1st year) because I heard you have less of a chance of receiving a bid.</p>
<p>On that note...what's the process of rushing for a sorority like? Are you guaranteed a bid if you go through the entire process?</p>
<p>Spring rush is pretty lousy for girls actually. Most of the sororites do not even participate so you will not get a chance to see most of the houses even. And the ones that will participate are probably not going to be the better ones. It is a better idea just to wait until next year when you will have all of your choices open. Also, spring rush is very informal and so I am not familiar with the process.</p>
<p>My DD was not planning to rush at all, but then realised a sorority would be a good place to meet a core group of friends, esp after a problematic roommate situation. She rushed in spring, it was very low key and BB is correct, not all houses have room to accept spring rushees. I believe which houses accept new girls varies each year.</p>
<p>My DD had met a good friend first semestre and wanted to rush that sorority, she visited 2-3 but really wanted that one and got it. It did not seem like a big deal at the time, but since then many of the people she has suggested rush did not end up with bids to her sorority, but others, so that felt odd.</p>
<p>One thing, I cannot see a downside to rushing spring, if you don’t like the houses that are open in spring, you can always try again in fall, if anything it will give you a brief understanding of what to expect in fall, though spring is waaaaay less intense; the fall process is incredibly time consuming for the girls in the houses, not sure how it goes for rushees, but I would imagine it is hectic and crazy for them, too.</p>