<p>Existing students, registration dates are showing in ISIS. What is your date and how many hours to you have? At the end of Spring, D has 64 UF hours and 74 total hours and her date is April 8th at 5 PM. </p>
<p>We just want to see how this compares to others. Registration dates aren't really a big deal because you have so long to get the classes - you can always get what you want in the end.</p>
<p>Earned 110 hours, Fall will be my last semester at UF, and my time is 4/1 after 5:50PM. I’m kind of annoyed it’s not earlier. If registration starts on the 28th, who gets to go first (besides Nat’l Merit)? Seniors with 120+ credits? I can usually get what I want during drop/add, but it would be nice not to have to obsess about checking ISIS.</p>