<p>You may want to go to <a href=“http://www.falconpride.com%5B/url%5D”>www.falconpride.com</a>. There you can click on “Appointees” and sign up for Appointee net. this will give you blast emails and a place to ask a lot of questions. It should be a big help. Later, after I-day, you can swith to “famnet” which is the same thing for all families of cadets for all years. It’s a ton of info and a ton of email. I set up a separte email address just for this – which is well worth it. You get uptodate info from posters in colorado springs, who seem to know everything that’s going on!</p>
<p>that news spreads like wildfire, b/c sometimes my parents e-mail or text asking me about something i hadn't heard about yet...</p>
<p>Okay, you've got me hooked. As a mom who's always been one step ahead of her son, (which has mystified him at times) this sounds like something I've got to be in on. Thanks for the tip. I'm signing up right now.</p>