Family Alma Matters?

<p>I thought this would be interesting to know where a bunch of your families went to college. Mothers, fathers, aunts, uncles, cousins, whatever you want to include or exclude. Grad school counts too I guess. Don't be afraid to share! </p>

<p>Mother- John Jay College of Criminal Justice
Sister- Williams (and like 6 cousins lmao)
Brother- Villanova (graduating in 2015)</p>

<p>Mom- Clemson
Dad- Clemson (3 degrees)
Uncle- Clemson (2 degrees)
Aunt- Clemson (2 degrees)
Other Uncle- Clemson
Other Aunt - Clemson
Grandfather- Clemson
Other Grandfather- Clemson
Great Grandfathed- Clemson</p>

<p>Me- I’ve already been provisionally accepted to Clemson, but I want to go to Stanford instead.
(Wouldn’t it have been ironic if I would have wanted to go to USC? Haha!! Next joke…)</p>

<p>*alma mater</p>

<p>I’m considered a first-generation college student by some definitions because neither of my parents has a bachelor’s degree. My paternal grandfather went to Carnegie Mellon and my paternal grandmother went to Ohio State. (They were born in the 1910s and died a gazillion years ago, so those colleges probably weren’t comparable to how they are now.) My father and one of my cousins went to a branch campus of Kent State University. I’m going to Case Western Reserve University. </p>