Famous Students

<p>nice UMrunner</p>

<p>what have you spent the money on so far? :P</p>


<p>\wishes he had ::rollseyes::</p>

<p>Michael Phelps is certainly famous. Otherwise, I'm not aware of any famous students. A few years ago, the winner of the Spelling Bee in that movie about spelling bees was a student, but I think she's graduated by now. About the only famous thing an 18-year-old can do is sports or acting. Most of the actors will go to school in NYC or LA. Most athletes aren't famous until they go pro.</p>

<p>Is Phelps still a student? I heard he was having a lot of trouble with his Pre-Algebra class.</p>

<p>Dunno. He's still in Ann Arbor though. My son saw him the other day at NYPD.</p>

<p>Yeah, I think he's going to be a senior next year.</p>