Farfield / Loyola MD comparison

<p>seems like these 2 Jesuit schools are very alike. Anyone have any thoughts ?</p>

<p>I heard Loyola (MD) is VERY strict with kids and drinking. If your kid gets caught they will go before a disciplinary board. 3xs & you are out. Someone told me that dormrooms get check for beer while kids are on vacation. The kids take a cab go off campus to a scary part of town (which has had drive by shootings) to party. Also the girls like to go to restaurants for dinner as part of the social life - which gets very expensive. I am not sure how accurate this information is but it came first hand from current parents. However, their kids still like the school but Loyola is off our list…
Thoughts on Fairfield; it is gorgeous, cute town, the kids have fun and they are smart.</p>

<p>thanks for the feedback. We live about 20 miles from Fairfield, and agree that the location of Fairfield is tops. Another school, Marist in NY has also entered the picture; beautiful campus, right on the Hudson river, Poughkeepsie, not a great town, but campus not too near to the bad side of town. They seem to be about 10K less than similiar schools, amd offer merit scholarships based on SAT/ACT scores without all the paperwork.</p>

<p>Good Luck to all.</p>

<p>If you are interested in merit money (whose not?!)
URichmond-- it looks alot like Fairfield, pretty difficult to get into but SATs are not uber high; not Catholic
UMiami FLA- if SATs are a 1350 you might offered 1/3 scholarship. definitely not Catholic :slight_smile:
UScranton is offering lots of smaller merit awards-I hear the kids love it. Catholic- Jesuit?
Providence- ditto above- Franscecan Friars?
Elon!- the best deal out there; 36K + offering merit money; up & coming school; You must profess your love (by visiting etc) for Elon for an acceptance. not Catholic</p>

<p>My niece graduated last year from Loyola. She spent four years in an alcohol-induced stupor, including two ER visits for alcohol poisoning. It’s a hard partying school if that’s your thing.</p>

<p>I know many successful graduates from Loyola who did not spend 4 years in an “alcoholic-induced stupor”. The school has a top notch liberal arts program with faculty that care about students.</p>

<p>Loyola is ranked higher than fairfield. loyola is ranked highly competitive according to barrons and fairfield is only very competitive. i also recommend you go to studentsreviw.com it shows reviews by studetns who attend colleges. the vast majority of loyola students say they would return to their school if they had to make the choice over again while the majority of fairfield studetns say they would not. which definitely says something about the school</p>

<p>Its hard to take seriously an engineering school that graduates 2 engineers per year. See ASEE database for Fairfield’s engineering program. Some go on to Columbia in a 3/2 program, but some don’t.</p>