<p>No. If you don’t click “SHARE THE WEALTH” and just close it, it doesn’t appear on anyone’s facebook. </p>
<p>No one will ever know…</p>
<p>Again, I’m not speaking from experience I swear! :]</p>
<p>No. If you don’t click “SHARE THE WEALTH” and just close it, it doesn’t appear on anyone’s facebook. </p>
<p>No one will ever know…</p>
<p>Again, I’m not speaking from experience I swear! :]</p>
<p>agh i get the invites all the time…i don’t want to be addicted to fb any further so i always decline</p>
<p>I started playing it. But then I realized it took too much effort. My crops always end up going rotten(?) so I can never harvest. Far too lazy for a game like that.</p>
<p>But yea it spams my newsfeed a lot and I get a lot of random gifts and requests…idk it’s not very fun.</p>
<p>yeah seriously what the crap is it?
my news feed is clogged with farmville notices and stuff.</p>
<p>lol theres this one farmer kid at our school and everyone always made fun of him.
then farmville rolled around and suddenly he’s popular.</p>