FAU Questions

Few questions about applying to FAU - Is FAU and FAU Wikes honors college 2 different applications altogether? Can you apply to both through Common App?
Is Jr year summer term GPA required to be 4.3 for both applications or is there a chance to apply with other strong profile including NMSC Semifinalist?

It says to add Wilkes College - so that means it will be two apps.

They are vastly different schools - so take heed.

If you are NM Semi finalist, Tulsa is a full ride - and others have money, especially if you become a finalist. It looks like semi get an 8 semester scholarship but finalists get a full ride - at least what their website is showing.

Good luck.

FAU | Wilkes Honors College - Apply Now!

Scholarships and Tuition | Florida Atlantic University (fau.edu)

Thank you

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