<p>Our DD has an itouch, but not an iphone. She will probably have a new PC - type to be determined - before she goes back to school. Her cell phone does not have a dataplan. </p>
<p>We are wondering if the current college students could comment on their favorite apps for calendaring the important daily stuff. She doesn't think she wants to carry her itouch around all the time, so I guess it would need a paper component. </p>
<p>What do you all like?</p>
<p>I don’t use apps or electronic devices for calendaring. This semester I took to using a cheap planner that my school gave out at the beginning of the year. It weighs practically nothing and it makes sense to have it to take out during class to put information in, so your professor doesn’t think you’re playing around with your cellphone. </p>
<p>I do know people who use the alert systems on their iTouches to remind them of important dates and appointments, but I don’t own one so I can’t comment on that.</p>
<p>I have an android phone so i use google calendar which link with my phone.</p>
<p>IStudiez app. It plans all of your classes too. Otherwise you could use Awesomenote.</p>
<p>I bought a huge dry erase board and made a calendar out of it with tape, then I wrote all the important things like tests, concerts, and social events on it. It worked like a charm, added character to my room, and helped me stay organized. I’m sure it’s nice to have a smartphone calendar but I didn’t need one.</p>
<p>I used mozilla sunbird and a whiteboard with a calendar on it for everything. I didn’t actually carry any kind of a planner with me, but I had my laptop in almost all of my classes-- otherwise I’d have kept a notepad to write things down to add to sunbird when I got home.</p>
<p>For particularly busy weeks, I printed the sunbird calendar out. You can put it in daily, weekly, or monthly view and you can schedule tasks and events, and these can be printed. That is something I would carry with me if I needed to have my calendar on me for something.</p>
<p>I use Google Calendar, plus I have a little flipbook where I can write things down throughout the day.</p>
<p>I just use Notes for everyday things, particularly if I have a long ‘to-do’ list. </p>
<p>Google calendar works really well during finals week.</p>
<p>google calendar for plotting out the exams and homeworks.</p>