Favorite font to use while writing an essay

<p>Well this year my English class requires Times New Roman, but usually I have an urge to use Arial. </p>

<p>It's pretty big and symbolizes dominance. Kinda asserts my macho ness you know.</p>

<p>I like Calibri (the Word 2007 default). It seems like it could become the “new” Times New Roman (used for everything, the “standard”, etc.)
I also like Arial too since its size 12 is slightly larger than Times or Calibri. :stuck_out_tongue: That really helps with page number requirements sometimes.</p>


<p>I used to write in Times New Roman but then I was like “bleh.”</p>

<p>Times New Roman</p>

<p>Yeah, that’s about it.</p>

<p>While my official font is Helvetica Ultralight, I also enjoy using Futura at times</p>

<p>My only regret is that Mac doesn’t have Century, which is by far my favorite serif font</p>

<p>Helvetica while typing, Times New Roman when printing. Of course, I sometimes use Courier New to make my essays longer.</p>

<p>Times New Roman because the English teachers say so.</p>

<p>Garamond :]</p>

<p>Wingdings is pretty nice, if you know how to read it.</p>

<p>Times New Roman is pretty much the standard for everything, so it’s hard to find a font that you like aside from TNR, as it’s not like you get to use different fonts often. But aside from all that, Monotype Corsiva is nice.</p>

<p>haha wingdings. I so wanted to write a paper in wingdings sometime (with the paper in TNR stapled behind it), but I never got around to it :/</p>

<p>My friend did his vocabulary homework entirely in wingdings.</p>

<p>Ew, why would anyone want to write an essay in anything but Times New Roman 12 pt font? There’s a time and a place, people.</p>

<p>My APUSH teacher wanted to mess with one of his best students one time, so he gave him a 10-point pop quiz entirely in Wingdings.</p>

<p>The kid got a 6/10. Scary.</p>

<p>Arial Narrow is great, but my English teacher hates it so I usually just use Liberation Serif.</p>

<p>I usually just use Calibri which is the default font on the new Microsoft. I like it and it’s usually not garish or tacky looking. Times New Roman is just really ugly to me and I never use it unless required by the teacher.</p>

<p>We have to use TNR on everything in English. Actually never written a paper in anything but…</p>

<p>However in computer class we would get to choose sometimes…I have an affinity for Garamond and Bookman Old Style :)</p>

<p>I quite like this thread…typography is really interesting to me, I love to find and download unique fonts to use in graphics and stuff. </p>

<p>On (yet another) random note, I read somewhere that the reason Calibri is the new default is becase it takes up less space than TNR (theoretically using less paper) and uses less ink to print. So it’s like a “green” font…weird. </p>

<p>/end ramble. :)</p>

<p>Calibri - 11 pt - ALWAYS</p>

<p>I’m super OCD about fonts. My teacher required one of our papers (summer assignment) to be typed in Times New Roman (12 pt) with 1.25 in margins. But I just couldn’t get myself to do it, so I naturally rebelled and did the entire thing in Calibri. Ended up losing 5 pts, but w/e</p>

<p>I don’t even know what Calibri looks like.</p>

<p>^ [Calibri</a> - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia](<a href=“http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calibri]Calibri”>Calibri - Wikipedia)</p>

<p>Oh yeah that’s the font that the brand new Windows my school just got uses. I don’t like it very much. Times New Roman is much easier to read on paper. Although it does make for a better presentation font than Ariel used to, in my opinion.</p>