<p>Ok, so I'm not someone who really falls in love with classic lines in movies or books, and to be honest, my favorite quote from a movie or book is probably "SLAPPA DA BASS MON" from "I Love You, Man." Is this a poor decision, or should I really just be honest, for this question and all in general, even if my answers might not be as impressive as others. Conversely, I fear if I try to stretch the truth a bit to sound more intellectual, I'll come off as pretentious and full of myself.</p>
<p>Any advice for this section of the supplement?</p>
<p>If you lie about it, it will look very unnatural. They’re not looking for a 5 page essay on how inspiring the 800 word speech from “An Inconvenient Truth” was.</p>
<p>If that’s your favorite line, then say it. This part is just to show that you’re a human and not a robot.</p>
<p>not so sure about that choice of quote. it might be your favorite but they are looking to get some insight into you. usually you should pick a quote that speaks to you in a deeper way so they can see WHAT speaks to you that way…which is what i think they are looking for.</p>
<p>I’m normally all for being honest instead of worrying about what you think adcoms want to hear, but I would recommend picking a different quote. I think a humorous quote is fine but pick one that is in English.</p>