Feb. 1 Housing "cutoff"

<p>Just a reminder for incoming freshmen, the cutoff to be guaranteed to participate in online room selection is tomorrow.</p>

<p>“What does that mean?!?!?” you might ask. Well, let me break it down:

  • students who apply for housing (including pay the deposit) before 11:59pm CST on Feb. 1 will be guaranteed to participate in online room selection.
  • this is your best chance to be able to select your space, building and roommates.
  • students who apply AFTER this, will still be able to request roommates and certain housing styles (traditional, suite-style, Honors, apartment), but we may not be able to accommodate the requests.</p>

<p>More about room selection:

  • you do not need to know where you want to live, or with whom, to apply for housing.
  • you do not need to wait until you’ve been accepted to Honors College to apply for housing. Your application will automatically update when your Honors College acceptance is processed.
  • room selection for incoming freshmen will begin in early May. More information about the exact schedule will be available in the next couple of weeks.</p>

<p>Hope this helps!!!

<p>Thanks for posting this reminder for prospective students.</p>

<p>Thanks for the reminder. Though Alabama is my top school, I can’t go unless I get any scholarships. Which means that I am unable to pay the enrollment deposit to be able to apply for housing. I really wanted to be able to pick my own dorms and things… Just can’t afford to take the chance with that much money. Very bummed. </p>

<p>Thanks so much for the reminder.</p>

<p>I cannot help but resist this effort, though, by the various universities to ask me to pay all sorts of deposits before my oldest has made his final decision. Alabama is definitely either 1 or 2, but he also added another university to the mix which we plan to visit in a couple of weeks. Once he has visited that campus, and can compare his wonderful Alabama offer to the other two wonderful offers, then I will be very glad to send off enrollment deposits, housing deposits, orientation deposits, and schedule all the airplane tickets and hotel rooms, etc.</p>

<p>But this idea of paying so much upfront, and then, potentially, having to request refunds for those deposits that may be refundable, just sounds too much like my family’s doctors who want me to pay upfront and then hound them for refunds once they get paid by my insurance company and health savings account. I really hate that :)</p>

<p>So, if my oldest chooses Alabama, he will be looking for roommates in Honors Housing who like to have alcohol-free fun, like Doctor Who, who prefer to keep stashes of sour candy not condoms, and are going to Alabama to study and get a degree and great jobs. He won’t get to choose his roommates if we don’t pay out all this money today, but so what? He won’t know anyone there anyway. If he randomly gets picked to live with total opposites, then I am confident that he and his randomly assigned roommates will figure out how to switch rooms, etc.</p>

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<p>Your family doc wants you to pay for services at the time he renders them! What a quack…</p>

<p>At least with UA, it’s easy to request refunds on the refundable deposits. As for having a doctor who makes you pay all costs in front before your insurance pays them, your insurance company would probably like to hear about this practice as they have specific agreements with their in-network providers which likely prohibit such payment policies.</p>

<p>In reality, students have until May 1st to submit their enrollment and housing deposits. If they do so on or before February 1st, UA will allow them to select a specific bedroom. If not, the room selection process is the same as hundreds of other colleges/universities across the US in that rooms are assigned by the College/University.</p>

<p>As for selecting specific roommates or going potluck, there’s no guarantee that the roommates will be a good fit either way. Note also that students are not typically best friends with all their roommates. With over 35,000 students on campus, it’s much more likely that their best friends will not be their 1-3 roommates or even the few hundred students that live in their specific residence hall.</p>

<p>1) I submitted my housing form before February 1st, but I changed my preferences yesterday because I realized I couldn’t afford the honors suites and Somerville had reeeeeally nice rooms. Will I still get my top choice?
2) If I know exactly where I want to live (Somerville first floor), do I have a good chance of getting it? I figure the majority of girls who want to live in a girls only dorm want to live in Tut.
3) Where is there to find roommates besides the one on the application? I’m extremely liberal, so I’m trying to find someone who’s at least a little like me.</p>

<p>koalathebear, have you joined the UA Class of 2018 FB page? That is a good place to start looking for a roommate… I don’t believe changing your preferences will affect your room selection time. :)</p>

<p>First, to the forum member who pm’d with the awesome suggestion to consider Burke, or other alternatives . . . thanks, we will definitely do so. My son thought the Honors Housing was fine, but I don’t think it matters much to him, so Burke might be a great choice. I have a feeling he will be checking out the roommate finder and the Facebook page if Tuscaloosa is the final choice.</p>

<p>And to Bigdaddy88, well, all I can say is that there are just some people around here who are compelled to try to take digs, and, unnecessarily so. If it makes you feel big to do so, then be my guest. Whatevah. (How’s that for bringing it all back to junior high?)</p>

<p>I am very aware of how doctors work, and, no offense to any doctors in this forum, but the failure of doctors’ offices to handle billing in a logical, reasonable way is one factor that gave life to the atrocity known as the ACA. What other product or service does one contract to pay for without knowing the upfront cost? None. Admittedly, I only shop at stores with price tags on the items, so for some segment of the population, having no clue about the cost of medical services is to be expected, I guess. Thanks to the ACA, a lot more people are going to become a lot more knowledgeable about deductibles, EOBs, etc. The only bright light in that mass of medical darkness.</p>

<p>Now for those who actually deal with doctors and doctors’ bills, as I have had to do, then one would know that the experience is aggravating, because, despite signing up with insurers, these doctors, amazingly, just never know how much they charge, or how much they are contracted to receive by the insurer, or how much the final bill will be. Ok, I’ll forgive the doctors for not having a clue since they are preoccupied with saving lives, so ask their office managers, and those folks are often totally clueless. Even after years of dealing with the same insurance companies, and even with the increasing automation, and they still want to tell me an estimated price, and want me to pay upfront some arbitrary figure they come up with, and when the insurance company, with whom they contract, pays the entire bill (and, in my case, since I have both an HRA and an FSA, the money is paid out automatically based on the EOB), then I get to hound the office manager - and getting those refunds takes weeks, if not months - a period of time, in any case, that the same doctor’s office would never allow me to pay the bill. So my comment was based on reality, and is a valid complaint.</p>

<p>My family’s doctors get any money I may owe them before they even get around to sending out a bill, so I actually save them money, and I have never stiffed a medical professional. I have fired them (by switching doctors), or rejected their recommended courses of treatment, but they always get paid. I make sure my insurance pays its portion and that I pay my portion. I check for new EOBs weekly, and send out payments for my portion immediately upon being presented with that filed claim and associated EOB. But no, I am never pleased with having to pay some arbitrary amount before the office has even filed a claim, and given that 99% of the time that this occurs, I am always the one owed money, I am perfectly justified in being annoyed.</p>

<p>Ok, enough of that. Someone will solve the medical billing fiasco, or not. Right now, I am counting down the days until we have a final decision in our home (the last week of this month, I hope, after that final college visit.) And if Alabama is the choice, then I will start sending out the money … enrollment deposit, housing app, Bama Bound, Honors Action, maybe Camp 1831, anything else? Oh, yeah, whatever is left after the Presidential Scholarship (thank you Alabama!) Just in case, I have our hotel reservations for Parents Weekend :slight_smile: Roll Tide Roll!</p>