<p>Post answers and questions regarding the Feb. ACT reading section</p>
<p>any remember the last 3 questions on the humanities passage on the music family??
i think i chose something about her dad for one of them…</p>
<p>i think you are thinking about the question where it asks “which of the following does the passage answer?” i chose the one where it says it tells what the father does for a living. he was a high school music teacher. does anybody ever skip the first passsage? i always do!</p>
<p>how do you do it!! i read all the passages and couldnt get to the last two humanities questions…i always skip humanities for the 4th passage and then go back to humanities.</p>
<p>anyways wats your trick!?!</p>
<p>dang…i got that which of the following does the passage answer ? wrong…totally skipped over the father part</p>
<p>I confirm the answer about what the father does for a living.</p>
<p>Does anyone remember what they put for the first Humanities question? it was something about how the author structures the passage.</p>
<p>NO NO NO. That is incorrect.</p>
<p>It did NOT answer what the father did for a living. The teacher was the mother at the school… never did it state what the father did.</p>
<p>can anyone confirm what the correct answer is??</p>
<p>Yes it did say what the father did… it said them one right after another</p>
<p>Yes, the father was a music teacher. I’m sure of it. I can even tell you where on the page the passage mentioned it: about halfway down the first column, at the beginning of the fourth or fifth paragraph. Somewhere in there.</p>
<p>No, the passage DID say what the father did for a living. The mother was a music teacher at a university, and the father was a choir teacher at a high school.</p>
<p>Here’s one that i was really ambivalent about and i think will be very debatable</p>
<p>It was the one about the coal miners or whatever
and it was about the paragraph when it explains that driven by production they were required to improvise in their repairs</p>
<p>the question was what could be inferred
the two logical choices were
they were driven by production and
something along the lines that they caused a lot of the accidents</p>
<p>i picked the second one because i thought it was inferred while the other one i thought was clearly stated</p>
<p>GOOD. thats wat i put.</p>
<p>Can anyone remember the LAST two questions in the humanities passage?
I did not get to these and would like to know wat they asked</p>
<p>Oh. Sorry i guess i missed that one.</p>
<p>But dragonforce- It was they were driven by production. It was even in the passage… uh… like the right hand side of the page 1sst paragraph. i remember it.</p>
<p>i agree w/ dngao…it said that it was all driven by production and they couldn’t waste time</p>
<p>Does anyone remember the Humanities question about the structure of the passage? It was the first question in that section. I was tied up between A and B because I thought they were both wrong. A talked about questioning the value of music, and B said that she questioned her memory, THEN embarked on a story about her childhood, which is in reverse order(I thought).</p>
<p>Oh and I agree with the driving production and not wasting time.</p>
<p>infer-deduce: reason by deduction; establish by deduction
You didn’t have to deduce anything by putting that it was driven by production because it told you that that clearly</p>
<p>that’s what my main problem was with that answer choice</p>
<p>Im not undertanding.</p>
<p>Are you saying, For example, a question could be the following</p>
<p>“How old was she” and in the passage it says she is 4. That that would be the wrong answer because you dont deduce anything to get it?</p>
<p>I put “driving production” as well. I actually don’t remember the question using the word “infer.”</p>