February ACT Science Discussion

<p>Do you guys remember any questions/answers? I thought it was definitely much easier than December's science</p>

<p>I don’t remember any, but it was definitely easier than practice tests I’ve taken.</p>

<p>Okay lets see…there was the lion passage, the bio passage, the environmental science passage, astronomy passage, and those two chem passages, right?</p>

<p>i think it’s weird how the december and february ACT didn’t have a fighting science passage. wonder why they took them out?</p>

<p>A “fighting” science passage?</p>

<p>Oh, you mean the ones where different students/scientists have different interpretations of the data? It had one of those.</p>

<p>yeah,it was like the last one, with the orbits and the physics stuff.</p>

<p>The conflicting views passages were there, but they were in a different format than normal. The last one from the February test, the one with the students, was the conflicting views from that test.</p>

<p>The astronomy one was horrible for me!</p>