fee for emory

<p>any people know if the tuition/total fees are due very semester? or are they paid before one academic year??</p>

<p>Payment is due 30 days after the bill is issued, roughly a few weeks before the semester starts. You can pay in full or participate in the Emory Payment Plan. You would pay a fourth of the bill right before the semester starts, the second payment 60 days later, the third payment 30 days after that and the fourth and final payment, thirty days after that. You can check student financial services for the specific details.</p>

<p>thanks!! </p>

<p>wow, that’s very nice of emory that students can pay in several payments… they are not pushy on money :D…</p>

<p>and anyone knows how to participate in the Emory Payment Plan??? is any body qualified to be in that plan?? do i have to apply to be in it??? are international students eligible to pay via the Payment Plan as well??</p>

<p>thanks lots!! and CONGRATS everyone who got in :)…</p>

<p>Uh, Emory is very pushy on money actually. Everywhere you go there’s some new organization asking you to donate for a greater cause. They force you to spend $2,200 each semester as a freshman to be on a mealplan that offers nothing but ****ty food.
A parking pass for the year is going to be $800 next year. Housing rates increased by 3% this year, the average cost is $3,700 / semester for housing. If you don’t have sick financial aid or wealthy parents, this place will put you in the hole big time.</p>

<p>Of course they let you pay in installments…who the **** can just drop $23,000 at one time? (Actually, stupid question…50% of Emory kids can) You also can’t pay with a credit card. Has to be actual liquid cash direct from a checking account. </p>

<p>All you have to do to pay in installments is fill out some form on opus.</p>

<p>I love Emory…but I do get the impression that they are pushy on money.
I was concerned about the FA offered to me & I was basically told to pay the admissions deposit and worry about FA later and that if I didn’t pay the deposit, I would lose my seat. When I questioned my FA officer about paying for school, he simply told me that I would have to take outside loans for the difference. Which is around 30~35k/year, as is.</p>