Fee waiver and status check?

<p>After I requested a fee waiver and faxed my financial aid info from my current school, I checked today and under UT direct it says my application fee was received, but in status check it says they haven't received payment yet and I still owe $60. Does this mean they have received my fee waiver or not? </p>

<p>May I didn't do it right... because I didn't write Office of Admissions, Attn: Fee Waivers... I just wrote Attn: Fee Waivers and put my UT EID. I just assumed the number I faxed it to WAS office of admissions. Anyone know?</p>

<p>I did this this past spring. It took about three days before it showed correctly in both places. Don’t stress yet, but give it a few days first.</p>

<p>Thanks, you were right. It showed up today!</p>