Fee Waiver question...Please help.

<p>Thank you for looking at this post.</p>

<p>Soo, I applied on time to four UCs. When I did my application they indicated that the fee waiver had been granted for all four.</p>

<p>However, I got an email (notification of applications received) and they had a whole section on fee waivers.</p>

<p>It was quite confusing, and I am not sure what I need/should do and when.</p>

<p>Anyone who has gone through the same process and would like to give some feeback it would be very (very) appreciated.</p>

<p>thank you so much!</p>

<p>p.s. It said something about getting a fee waiver form from UC admissions office or a "EOPS" office. Something of that sort.
It mentioned something about a letter?

<p>I’m going to assume that they included the fee waiver information in the email for students who still had a balance on their account. Perhaps when filing the application they choose the “Pay by Check or Money Order” option or their credit card payment did not go though.</p>

<p>Does your confirmation state that you still have a balance due? For more information you should contact any numbers that might be in that confirmation message.</p>