Fee waiver question

<p>I qualify for a fee waiver (due to my EFC) but don’t understand how to get it. I called and they said my financial aid info would cover it, but I don’t know where to fill that out. I would like to get it all done today, as my app is done and I just need to send ACT/transcript. Thanks!!</p>

<p>You should be able to get a fee waiver thru your guidance counselor.</p>

<p>Contact your GC about ACT waivers and application waivers.</p>

<p>They told me that they don’t have one on file for schools, so I am unsure how to proceed. I will email admissions. Thanks! I assume it’ll take about a week to hear back?</p>

<p>[College</a> Application Fee Waivers](<a href=“http://professionals.collegeboard.com/guidance/applications/fee-waivers]College”>College Application – Counselors | College Board)</p>

<p>You can get them thru Collegeboard, I think…</p>

<p>Before you use your fee waivers - you should get up to four - figure out where you’re going to apply. See how much each school’s application fee is. They can run from $25.00 to $100.00. Use the waivers for the most expensive, if you will apply to more than 4 schools.</p>