Feedback on Freshman Classes?

<p>I’m looking for some feedback on my schedule for the Fall 2013 term - my first semester at Bama! I’m a Theatre major (Design/Tech track) with a Political Science minor. I’ll be coming in with some AP credits. </p>

<p>SP 101 - Introductory Spanish I (for FL requirement)
AY 101 - Intro to Astronomy (for N requirement)
CL 222 - Greek and Roman Mythology (for HU requirement)
TH 120 - Principles of Stage Design
TH 220 - Fundamental Stage Scenery </p>

<p>Is this too light on the credits?</p>

<p>Congratulations on your commitment to UA. You will just love it! I don’t know the specifics of most of your classes, but 5 is enough especially for first semester freshman. I believe it’s best not to over-do it at first. There are a lot of challenges ahead of you in addition to academics!</p>

<p>My only comment would be with the Spanish. Did you have Spanish in high school? DD tried to take Spanish I after taking it all through high school (thinking it would be an easy A) On the first day of class someone from the department came in and removed all the students who were “overqualified” for Spanish I and made them take the placement test. DD placed into Spanish 103 “Intensive Review”. Turns out it was for the best. She did well and was able to complete her FL requirement with just that 1 class. </p>

<p>Hope this helps. Good luck</p>

<p>Thanks for the feedback! I did not take Spanish in high school. I took Spanish from kindergarten through seventh grade, then French throughout high school. I can understand most Spanish and read it, but can’t speak or write it at all. I’m from California, where Spanish is very commonly spoken, and I’d like to be able to use it again. I figured 101 would be the spot for me since I really can’t speak it?</p>

<p>Sounds like 101 is the proper placement and it also sounds like you should be able to do very well in it. Best of Luck!</p>

<p>The Greek and Roman Mythology class is a very tough one. If you already have some foundation and you’re really into it, then ok.</p>

<p>However, freshman rarely take that class especially for fall since it can be hard to get a good grade in it unless you can really give it the devotion it needs.</p>

<p>If you think you might suffer from some of the usual fall frosh distractions, then wait to take that class.</p>

<p>While I do appreciate that especially you premeds, GPA is everything, but please, college is a time when you get to take interesting classes that you’ll never get to take.</p>

<p>Some kids just love mythology, and while it may not be an easy A, take the class if it’s something you’re interested in.</p>

<p>Lord knows, there are enough boring and/or tough classes you’ll HAVE to take, so please, treat yourself to a class you’re interested in once in a while.</p>

<p>Thanks for the feedback. I’m really interested in mythology - read it in my spare time, do random research, etc. We spent a semester on both Greek and Roman mythology in my freshman honors English class, and I currently TA for a mythology-focused class, so I’d say I have a decent foundation. Thanks!</p>

<p>DS took the mythology class during his first semester and LOVED it. He, too, had some background in mythology. Kirk Summers (affectionately known as Kirkules) is Da Bomb. He’s a riot, and the kids adore him. His humor can be a little raunchy, but hey – it’s a mythology class. When he teaches the class in the fall, he always holds a special session where he “sacrifices to the football gods.” I think he sacrificed a stuffed tiger (for Auburn) during DS’s class. It was a hoot.</p>

<p>He’s a hard grader, yes, but he gives extra credit. And he always goes over what will be on the test. (The powerpoints help, too.) He’s been teaching this course forever and knows it like the proverbial back of his hand.</p>

<p>BTW, you sound like a perfect candidate for Kirkules’s class. :)</p>

<p>*Thanks for the feedback. I’m really interested in mythology - read it in my spare time, do random research, etc. We spent a semester on both Greek and Roman mythology in my freshman honors English class, and I currently TA for a mythology-focused class, so I’d say I have a decent foundation. Thanks!

<p>Then you’re fine. Have fun with it.</p>

<p>I’m hoping my son will be able to fit this class in before he graduates. I know he’ll love it. It’s conflicted with his required courses the last three years, but once he’s got all his requirements in and if he has the time, I’m going to encourage him to take it. Thanks for your feedback, Lady Di.</p>

<p>Enjoy the class!</p>