<p>I would just like some advice on how my "resume" looks so far and what I should do to improve anything. I am currently a junior. </p>
<p>SAT: 2130
Weighted GPA: 4.167
Unweighted GPA: 3.667
AP Scores: Lang - 4, World - 4</p>
<p>Current Courses: Honors Latin 3 (W), Honors American Literature(W), Honors Pre Calculus(W), AP Chemistry (W), APUSH (W), Philharmonic Orchestra (top orchestra)</p>
<p>Planned Senior Year Courses: AP Latin, AP Gov, AP Macro Econ, AP Calc BC, AP Lit, AP Bio, Philharmonic Orchestra</p>
-Class Council, 3 years so far
-All State Orchestra, 2 years
-City Honors Orchestra, 5 years
-All Southern Orchestra, 1 year
-Junior Classical League Historian, 1 year</p>
<p>My dream school is UCLA.</p>
<p>My advice would be to work really hard for straight A’s Junior Year. Your EC’s look pretty good with a commitment towards music but from my recent friend’s experience, I believe UCLA marks GPA and Test scores as “Very Important” and EC’s essays etc. as “Important” while most private colleges such as the Ivies regard every part of the admissions process (essays, interview, etc.) as “Very Important”</p>
<p>It seems that you are taking challenging courses which is a good thing. While a 3.667 UW GPA isn’t the best and you should try your best to improve it, I think more of it goes comparatively. I heard that UCLA really likes high class rank so try to see what your peers are getting GPA wise.</p>
<p>I’m not sure if this is 100% confirmed and don’t count on this but: I heard UC’s basically accept people who are at the top 9% of their class in relatively competitive high schools, so once again try to get your GPA up.</p>
<p>Finally, if you have a chance over the summer, try to study for the SAT and take it again in the fall. 2130 is very good, but try to bump it up to around 2200~~ ish to stay competitive. </p>
<p>Overall, you’re a strong candidate. </p>
<p>Good luck on getting into your dream school!</p>
Thank you very much for your advice! It really helps me. I’m definitely trying to get my grades up this year.
You have very good stats. I think you’d struggle going for top 20 schools, particularly with your UW GPA, but who knows. Commitment to orchestra will definitely help. Most universities would be happy to have you.
Unrelated…I’m curious, why take Lang as a sophomore? If your high school is like most I’m assuming you need 4 years of English. Why not save the APs for junior/senior year?
Your issue right now is going to be unweighted GPA. If you look at the admissions stats for top schools there is a big difference between 3.7, 3.8, 3.9 and 4.0 in terms of admit rates. As suggested by others get straight A’s this year if at all possible and do something meaningful this summer
UCs look at your UC GPA, so you’re going to have to calculate that (there are UC GPA calculators online). If you get an around 4.0 UC GPA, then you have a good chance. Since you’re a junior, you may also want to think about retaking SAT for a 2250+ score or ACT for a 33+ score.
ECs show commitment to music, but may be lacking for well-roundedness,unless those orchestras are well-known and very hard to get in.
Hi! Since you’re a junior, you could definitely take the SAT and ACT both one more time. You have great scores, but for schools like UCLA you need to keep raising the bar. Your E.Cs look great! Aim to get straight A’s, it’s good that you’re taking some APs. Keep in mind that essays are important when you apply to UCLA. They look for well-rounded and unique individuals. I am also a junior who is planning to apply there. Best of luck to you! Keep up the great work. 
@Matt846 Thanks for the reassurance! At my school we take AP lang our sophomore year, honors american lit our junior year, and then AP lit our senior year. @Woandering just took my 2nd SAT yesterday so i’ll be waiting for those results eagerly!
@southernbelle16 I really appreciate your encouragement! Thank you everyone for your advice and guiding words!
Ditto on the GPA, otherwise you look like a strong candidate!
Also, please remember that if you are out of state for UCLA, you will have to bear the complete cost as they will not give you any need based aid. You’re looking at a hefty $58,776 per year.
@Homeless2Harvard Thank you for adding to the advice! I live in California so costs won’t be as bad as out-of-state.
Update! I retook my SAT and got 2200 
UCLA is definitely a match, especially with a 2200. Good luck
Thanks @SternBusiness ! Your words are encouraging!
Update: I’d like to update my GPA. I’m sad to say that I fell behind first semester due to personal problems and got 3 A’s and 3 B’s. I earned an A in Honors Latin 3, Philharmonic Orchestra, and AP US History. I got B’s in Honors American Literature, AP Chemistry, and Honors Pre Calculus. My unweighted GPA is now 3.6111 but my weighted GPA is 4.2222. I would greatly appreciate if CC members would reevaluate my chance.
My planned senior year courses: AP English Lit, AP Calc AB, either AP Comp Sci or AP Bio, AP Econ, AP Gov, AP Latin 4, Philharmonic Orchestra
Unweighted GPA: 3.61111
Weighted GPA: 4.2222
SAT score: 2200 (CR-680, Math-740, Writing -780, 10 essay); I am done taking the SAT and will not retake anymore.
PSAT score: 209
I am in the same boat with you regarding the UW GPA(I have 3.61 unweighted with 4.31 weighted). Your SAT is competitive don’t retake it. EC’s definitely lack variety and leadership positions (to some extent). Did you win any awards? Any job/work experience? Your course load is rigorous. Your passion for music is literally screaming, which will be a big plus. They LOVE passion. Write great essays and you have a good chance!
UCLA: low reach-reach
Between the few months you have to submit your application, try to pad up your resume. Best of luck to us!
ALSO: Calculate you UC GPA! Use this:
If it is 4.0 or above, you have an even better chance!
Your stats are a match for what UCLA wants to see, however its an automatic reach for everyone due to selectivity.
You have your dream school and it’s within reach… Congratulations on your hard work in school. Now comes the tough work, drafting a college list. It means finding colleges that aren’t as hard to get into. Colleges that admit30-40%applicants would be matches and colleges that admit more than 40%would be safeties. People on the East coast typically use colleges like Wooster and Ohio Wesleyan if they arehave your stats and are academically ambitious, in California UCSC, ucr or top CSU s could fill that some but you may want to dig deeper. If you’re top9%in the state you’re guaranteed at merced but you do need other possibilities. Look into ASU Barrett, Whitman, Willamette, Lewis & Clark, Chapman, for instance. Run the net price calculators on each and bring the results to your parents. What amount can they commit to? Make sure to discuss this now as you don’t want to be one of the many kids who post in the spring about getting into their dream school…and finding out only then that it’s unaffordable.
Thanks for your input! @IBGuy101
@MYOS1634 Your feedback was extremely helpful thank you so much! I’ve been having trouble figuring out what schools are reach, match, and safeties. Your breakdown was really helpful to me.